A truly excellent app
It’s so easy to whip out the app and identify frequent trees in streets, parks and gardens with the Identify option. When you first open the app you see two options, Play and Identify. The Play option will challenge your ability to identify trees. The Identify option helps you identify frequent trees in streets, parks and gardens. It's been a long time since I identified and collected plants in the wild and this app helped me have fun to identify some of the local trees in urban environments. The app offers information and images of the relevant clues to watch out for including leaves, flowers, fruits and seeds, and trunk. Initially, I instantly pressed on the Play button to accept the challenge to identify the largest possible number of trees. I learned quickly that I needed to learn more about trees, using the Identify option and play the challenge later to beat their record for the number of trees identified in a game. I’ll get there as I am curious to learn more about trees and their leave shapes and challenge others through my learning journey.
I am beyond impressed. It’s an extremely useful and super FUN teaching tool which I enthusiastically recommend it with no conflict of interest.