User Reviews: Monkey Music Journey

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  • Amazing game, but this needs to be added

    Alright don’t get me wrong, This game is really fun! And most of us could agree but There needs to be an icon picker instead of it choosing it for us cause some of the icons I don’t like and I’d like to change them without having to re-download and loose all my progress! Another problem is the characters, They should let us choose to be boyfriend, pico, mom and sarvente it’s pretty dumb that we don’t get to choose and last, The difficulties! We should be able to choose hard, medium or easy! Cause it’s way too easy for some players and harder for others could you at least add one of these?
  • Alright...

    The game is good overall but there are some tweaks they need to work on :
    1 - Please make scoreboard more balanced. Some Characters will more likely win because his icon can move a lot faster than the other characters. (Boyfriend, Whitty)
    1a - Some characters icons don’t move at all. (Tankman)
    2 - Please let us choose difficulty on songs. It can challenge a player unfairly or give one an advantage
    3 - Some songs are too trigger happy and force you to play the way too much. ( Dadbattle, Blammed, Monster, South,)
    4 - Some songs are very rare to find and end up not even being played at all (Ballistic, Cocoa, High)
    5 - Please make changeable icons.
    6 - Make sure to fix scoreboard. ( Other players will go faster than others for no reason)
    7 - Sometimes a player’s icon will stop near the end of the song when they definitely could have won there.
    8 - the end of South is messed up.
    9 - Why do the icons in wife-forever go so fast?
    10 - In disappearance if you not Mimi you automatically lose why!!!

    Please keep in mind that these are just recommendations and that Of you feel no change to the game I am okay with your opinion.

    Thank you,
    A fellow player
  • This games good and all but

    All right so this games good I really enjoyed it it’s a decent port the only thing is is that, 1. It’s not online 2. There’s only one difficulty shouldn’t we be able to choose? 3. Once you unlock week 6 you have to play perfectly just to unlock week 7. 4. It’s really annoying how and any of the weeks you could get any song even from different weeks, 5.we should be able to choose if we want to be the Enemy or boyfriend considering it’s not online, 6.please let us change our avatars I’ve been sticks as death icon whitty sense I started playing! All in all this is a good game but not good enough to get 5 stars
  • Good but needs some work

    This game is pretty good but I don’t like how the week you unlock just straight up gets taken away from you if you lose cups and you need to add difficulties and you should just give us all of the weeks this isn’t a game to be played competitively it’s just for fun And we need an option to play online or not cause I hate losing weeks cause some competitive guy just makes me lose a lot and all of the weeks are messed up if I’m playing week 6 that means I want senpai songs not to play bopebo for the millionth time and I don’t like how you lose cups if you lose you should only be able to gain them through winning I also hate fighting people online to get the rest of the weeks I don’t wanna spend hours of my day just so I can get week 12 and not even be able to play any of the mid fight songs and lose to someone online on pico again THATS NOT WEEK 12
  • (Please read)

    This game was great but when I figured out who I was going up against I didn’t have much fun anymore. They aren’t real people and for some reason when I have 0 misses and 80 perfect while the opponent has 27 misses and 30 perfect he wins. When you play as Pico or Senpai you always seem one step away from winning. If you play as Tankman though you will guarantee a loss. For some reason Tankman doesn’t have his own coloring but I think it’s because he doesn’t have a b side or neo but would it be that hard just to make a new color for him. Also you say Hex is in the game but I’ve unlocked week 1-12 and I’ve never seen Hex in this game. Please fix these issues and maybe I’ll play this more often thank you
  • Great but a lot of issues.

    First of all, the online kinda stinks. That’s because it’s only bots or ghosts of other players which is overall kinda stupid because they often don’t miss notes. And even when they do the perfect rating is always super high. That along with the controls (which work pretty well for a mobile port) makes winning sometimes difficult when it really shouldn’t be. Another issue is with the week selection. A while ago when I first started I was in week 6 and I didn’t get any week 4 5 or 3 songs at ALL. Every time the “rng” makes you play dadbattle or pico over and over. I feel like the option to choose songs or at least weeks would greatly improve the game. Lastly, I have to say I like the icons but I think you should be able to choose or unlock them based on challenges. So overall this is a pretty good and faithful port.
  • Cap

    Some people are saying that some of the songs are too complex for mobile which isn’t really true if you are good enough. Now my main problem is if you don’t get boyfriend, there is a chance you are screwed because he gets the last notes which means he gets the last health, I just faced off against somebody, I had 4 misses while they had 10, I also had better accuracy and better on the perfect score, yet he still won. He won by the sliver of health he gained from his last notes, it’s kind of annoying when you know you did better than them yet they still win. The plot armor is just too thick.
  • Fun, but needs much improvement

    It’s a really good port of fnf, and has a lot of content, BUT, there are major issues. personally my biggest issue is that the health bar can END the song AND it is the ONLY deciding factor of who wins the battle, and sometimes even if you miss 0 notes, your opponent can still win by depleting your health based on the fact their part has more notes than your last part, not to mention that if you’re chosen as the boyfriend, (because the character selection is random) you have a higher chance to win by default. another big issue is that no matter what week you’re on, the song/week selection is completely random, yes it prevents repetition which is nice but when i unlock a new week i’d like to play the songs in that new week, not just have a CHANCE to play them among the other songs you’ve BEEN playing
  • Unfair I think?

    Ok so I love this game I downloaded it June 19 and when someone is the boyfriend you get a better perfect than your opponent but the person who is BF will like still win it keeps happening I keep losing when someone else is the BF even tho I get a better perfect. And pls let the players choose there own weeks because I want to play ballistic but Instead I would go to other weeks that are easy for example: Fresh Week 1 Also pls let the players change the icon characters I have to stay with the GF icon and I honestly don’t like it. I want to reinstall the game but I don’t know if it will save my progress. But I really love this game and it’s super fun!
  • This game is just not it

    So when I was playing a game someone had 5 misses so as I keep playing I got one miss then it said I had 2.yeah um no fix that cause that just doesn’t add up with did it make me get 2 when I got one,next one I’m playing my game right why did you not go like let’s fix something and the thing that we should fix is MAKING THE PEOPLE THINK THEY ARE PLAYING WITH REAL PEOPLE I was so excited but no you had to lie how I know you asked is because no many how many times I tried to play with my sister I get one that always has the same last but not first name,do I even wanna say the next one actually I do I wasn’t ready for the next week right?why did it go on to the next week you might be like lucky but no it wasn’t and why remove points when we lose when you could just add 10 then if we win add 20,this game need lot lot LOTS of fixing yes I do enjoy the game but come on like no you can do better than this and I’m not trying to be mean or rude but uh you do need to work on this no cap😬