Triple Tile User Reviews

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    I installed this because got an offer from a survey app. it was fun at first but became so annoying because you need to watch alot of ads for you to solve the puzzle. the promo i got is you need to reach level 500 in 21days which is impossible due too many annoying ads that is more than 30 seconds long!! if you are playing this because you got an offer don’t bother it is like a scam but not too obvious because most likely a very few people reach level 500 in a given time. if you dint reach level 500 in 21 days you wont get the bonus and they have earned alot from you. Save your time. This app is annoying!!
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  • Fun but has issues

    I really enjoyed the first 100 levels and now I’ve been stuck on level 101 for days, which makes me not want to play anymore. It is impossible to pass the level without using up all of your shuffle power ups and then you have to watch so many ads once you run out. I really liked this game but now I can’t keep playing it. There are also a lot of ads in general besides from buying power ups. From what I have read from other reviews, other people are having the same issue.
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  • Meh

    I’m doing this game , for another app for a promo. I have to reach level 500. Well I can’t even get the extra help ads to load. I can’t finish the game without the reshuffling helping me. It’s been over 12 hours since I played. So they should’ve at least reset by now. I’m at 266. And have 10 days left to get to 500. And why so many ads ? They are on the screen also. That’s annoying
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  • Nothing but ADS!!!

    This game has potential, but as soon as you pass about 15 levels, you will be inundated with ad after ad after ad. You’ll get an ad in between every level, an ad if you lose a level, and sometimes ads even pop up in the middle of your game. Beyond frustrating and annoying. It seems that the developers have also rigged submitting reviews. You can’t write a review unless you give it five stars. If you give it one star, the app will spin and spin and spin and never give you the text review window. This is my seventh attempt to access the comment window because the developers need to be exposed for what they are doing. So there you go. Don’t waste your time downloading this game.
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  • This is an ‘ads’ game

    I started this game because of a promotion from another app I’ve been using for a while. I’ve completed the game tasks on other games they’ve advertised and been awarded. With this game, it’s IMPOSSIBLE. I’ve spent almost a week trying to get to level 500 in my free time (and I’ve spent WAY more time on this game than I should’ve) and I’m just now hitting level 110. The promotion rules say that you have to reach level 500 within 21 days. That’s not even possible. SO MANY ADS. The first 75ish levels were super easy. Then you start getting boards that are impossible to complete unless you use the ‘help’ or ‘reshuffle’ option. Both require watching a 30 second ad. Some boards have required me watching 10+ ads to get the board completed.
    I wouldn’t download this unless you’ve got nothing better to do than watch ads all day.

    For the solvable boards, the game is pretty fun. The problem is that too many boards aren’t solvable without watching ads to get boosts.
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  • Nice Game, however

    I like this game it is fun and nice to play. I read the reviews about the bombardment of advertising and I thought how bad could it be. Well in the beginning the advertisement across the top didn’t interfere with game so I thought ok I can do this however as you progress in the game you realize it’s easy to play but the advertisement starts as soon as you complete a level every single time. There is no way to stop it you are forced to walk away or tolerate it and if you manage to bypass it you don’t move to the next level. After a while the “x” doesn’t show up and you have to click a arrow which takes you to the advertisement. There must be a great deal of money in trying to push other games on players. If I wanted to play other games I would play them. I’m playing your game so if money is a issue then charge for it. If I like it I’ll pay if not I’ll leave. Now I’m deleting your game because your just not satisfied with me playing your game.
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  • Sad

    So I would have actually liked this game, except there was so much glitching and crashing and freezing, I got this game to complete an offer and it would be a good game for kids to do this to play this game for like puzzle solving and what not but you have to watch so many ads sometimes the ads won’t load they don’t give you like rewards quickly enough like it should be every 10 levels not 100 levels, and then they decrease the reward as you go up like if they gave you five awards atAt level 300 and they only gave you fourAt level 400. Sometimes the game would freeze and lag and make you lose and the games ads wouldn’t loadWhich was extremely frustrating. The entire screen would freeze and he couldn’t finish the level even when you were on the last one I wanted to like it, but it made me so mad because I did it for an offer. I ended up almost not completing it on time, and I barelySlept for days in order to finish it on time, it would’ve been a good game and it could still be a good game. If they fix this I don’t know what the issue is but it always runs better without Internet for some reason. Hope that helps I wasn’t trying to be mean.
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  • Fun game to many ads

    The first 100 levels were really fun after that the tiles get harder to match so you’re constantly needing to use the options at the bottom like shuffle and you have to watch an ad to do it. You are constantly watching ads. On top of that it keeps glitching and will freeze so you have to swipe out of the app only to start that level all over again. I currently have done level 127 four times and it glitched out again. I don’t know if that happens when there’s no ads available to watch but it is frustrating.
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  • Great game! Though not perfect…

    It’s s great matching puzzle game with neat little aesthetics, but there are some things that could be improved on…

    — The game lags a good bit at times, especially when loading in advertisements or if there’s a lot on screen. It especially gets annoying when your inputs don’t register and you end up selecting a tile you didn’t want by accident and end up failing.
    — The game doesn’t save your progress on a level when you close out of the app. It’s especially annoying since…
    — The game crashes frequently enough to be irritating. I could get maybe three or six tiles away from completing a puzzle and have to start all over because of a game crash.
    — The reliance on ad-given abilities to solve puzzles without resetting breaks the flow of the game- especially since people are more than likely to put their phone down and ignore the adverts altogether. It just becomes a waiting game at that point- which isn’t fun. I understand ad revenue lets the app devs earn money, but it gets aggravating after a time.

    Overall it’s a relaxing game, but having your games be interrupted so often can get annoying. Other than that, it’s cute and I like it.
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  • Fun game - way too glitchy

    Sounds like lots of other folks have had this same problem. The gameplay itself is quite fun, the graphics are enjoyable, and the higher levels are challenging. However the game freezes way too much, sometimes when you only have two or three moves left to finish. Also once you get past about level 20 the ads are incessant. I don’t mind seeing and ad every so often but not after every single game. Many of them you can’t get past - no timer or x to get out. These two issues give the game 2 stars from me.
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