User Reviews: Hacker News

Top reviews

  • Great start, one suggestion

    The story detail bar takes up a ton of space pinned to the bottom of the screen while reading comments. Can you add an option to place that above the comments list so we can scroll down past it?
  • Quick feedback / suggestion

    Great app, I use it all the time, but I do have a suggestion - under groups, the “read” section takes too long to load, particularly if you have over 1000 to 2000 previously read articles. It’ll be nice if this section could only load the last 10 to 20 articles that have been read, with a button to load more if necessary.

    When you open and switch to another app, the Hacker News will reset, and sometimes you lose track of where you were you were. The “read” section is a good way to quickly get back to what you were looking at, but again the issue is that it will take at times 30 seconds to a minute to load.
  • Well-made app but doesn’t respect browser choice

    Regardless whether this app is set to use Safari or In-App Safari it opens articles in In-App Safari, which is a bit annoying since In-App Safari doesn’t allow certain extensions nor does it add to my browser history. Would also be nice if it supported other browsers. I’m posting here because support is through Twitter which I don’t use.

    Developer Response

    Hey there, thanks for using the app! This bug is fixed now.
  • Great HN reader

    The best HN ever used. Would be nice to be able to export saved items
  • Using it everyday

    Very delightful using it!
  • Polished HN Client Missing Login

    This is probably the most polished HN client for iOS but it’s missing user login so you can’t upvote or comment. If it has that it would be the best in the App Store.
  • By far the best HN app.

    By far the best hacker news app. The summary feature is amazing.

    BUT it lacks login. I still need a second HN app where Iogin and posts from.

    Really wish login would be supported.
  • The best HN client for free

    So this client has all the features paid HN clients have with snappier design and functionality. Thanks developer!

    Developer Response

    Glad you enjoy the app! The goal is to remain free, forever!
  • Simply love it

    I have used a lot of HN apps and I feel like this one might stick .. it has all the things I look for - no ads - fast read/ summarize options .. only thing that lacks is login option

    Developer Response

    Thank you! Login support is being worked on now!
  • Sleek HN Reader

    This is to HN what Apollo is to Reddit. With tons of customization possible, it’s tough to beat. Keep up the great work!

    Developer Response

    Thank you for the kind words! Your support is appreciated.

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