Not working on MacOS
Crashes immediately on MacOS
No Cues for Sidus BT Fixures
This seems like such a massive omission. I don’t understand why Sidus Link Pro can’t create cues with both DMX and Sidus BT lights. I had to download the AMARAN app to get what I wanted because Quickshots in regular Sidus Link load extremely slow.
Maybe I’m missing something bc I’m not a lighting technician by trade, but it seems like these apps are missing some major common sense features
Additionally, running Sidus BT lights through the Sidus One box appears to introduce some lag
Maybe I’m missing something bc I’m not a lighting technician by trade, but it seems like these apps are missing some major common sense features
Additionally, running Sidus BT lights through the Sidus One box appears to introduce some lag
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No Multi Pixel control
Everything about this app is incredible and so well put together, I enjoy it more than blackout due to its nicer looks. However when patching in a dmx profile for a fixture with multiple pixels, the app will ignore the separate channels and control all the pixels at once instead of assigning them to an individual slider, essentially wasting dmx channels and giving you one pixel control.
This is the only problem I have found otherwise this seems like a dream.
This is the only problem I have found otherwise this seems like a dream.
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