Best game ever
This game was truly touching (my privates), it has opened my eyes to something so great.. or shall I say, opened my EARS! This game had the most wonderful, magnificent and whimsical voice acting ever, it sounded so fresh and lovely and crisp to the earlobe and DRUM, I truly find this a delight to play and would recommend.. thank YOU creator, for this godly gift.
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Bad game
Bad game
Really bad
This game is horrible the game is broken and it’s full of glitches for example when he has a fridge in his van the girl is in it and in one of the levels the girl is floating and this is a ice scream ripoff which means that they copied the game really bad game
Sh*tty bootleg
This game is literally made for five year olds that have played Ice Scream and want more. I know that this is a bootleg because, there’s a dude with a mask on, he has a van, and I know, this one is a shocker he sells ICE CREAM. I know, I know, calm down little kids. Just know that you’ve been tricked by a most-likely Indian company that wants to make a quick buck, and waste your time.
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Hey!your game is awesome!but there is a glitch to were when the clown catches me the screen freezes and I have to close out the game and get back in.your game is still cool!