User Reviews: TREAT

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  • Great app but I miss the photos

    This app is wonderful I love that I can actually make a difference in real life. It makes me feel like I’m making good use of my time while playing a game. I love the updates to the graphics of the game however I miss a feature from the previous version. You used to be able to unlock pieces of different photos of your dogs through the board. It really showed the personality of the dog and I thought it was a nice touch I’m sad to see it isn’t there anymore and would love to see it brought back in the future.
  • I love this game

    I recommend it to almost everyone I know, sometimes it’s a little laggy but who cares if you’re helping animals? I’d love if we could get more than two pictures or maybe a video of the pup? I’d love to see more animals other than dogs too (not that dogs aren’t important) this game is so fun and I love helping the animals. If I could adopt them all I would. (Also maybe add in a feature where u have an option to send them a toy or something that would be so cool)
  • This game is amazing

    Treat is the perfect game for a busy bee who wants to make a difference. The gameplay is simple and easy, and it won’t take you more than three minutes each time you play. This isn’t a tough game. It’s not a financial commitment. You literally just press the same button fifteen times and occasionally play a cute mini game to give real treats to real dogs and make a real difference. And it’s a tiny game, so it won’t eat up your storage space. 5/5 stars
  • Does not work on iPad!

    I like this app since it helps feed dogs! I would like some more instruction on how to use it, and how long it takes to lose your dog! I purchased one of the plans, which I thought kept my dog’s life Steady at 100%, but this is not the case! Also, I tried using it on my iPad so I could see it better, but it does not work on there properly at all! I can barely see my dog to choose them, and there is no where to login to connect my account from my phone! Since I paid, I will continue to use it on my phone, but I wish they would fix the iPad issues. AND it would be nice to be able to contact them about your account! Not sure how I can even stop payment at this point if I want to.
  • Won’t work

    I was really happy and excited to see a app that I saw an add-on that helps real life dogs that you earn stuff on the game to help give them food and treats, and eventually help them find a forever home because I love animals I love working with animals I want to help animals in anyway I can and this is one of the ways I knew I could but the disappointing part is I download the app make an account and get ready to find a dog that want to help and eventually have it find a home all it keeps saying is finding or looking for rescue dogs, and that’s all it does no matter what I click on no matter what I do nothing works just keeps saying looking for rescue dogs, and it won’t let me do nothing it’s messed up on my end and I’m very disappointed to say the least. You are looking to do the same thing as me and might not work on your phone because it definitely don’t work on mine and I have a pretty good phone and I don’t understand how it’s working on some other peoples, but not mine but this issue needs to be fixed as soon as possible I’m no longer interested thanks
  • Fantastic, I just wish other animal shelters were options!

    I love this app so much. After having to put down our kitten due to a birth defect, and then rescuing two kitties from shelters, I’ve been constantly searching for ways to give back to shelters and the people who work with animals every day who need it the most. I love that I have this as an additional option on top of my volunteering and donating that I do already.

    With that being said, I really wish there were more small, locally owned shelters available (they need supplies the most!) as well as different animal shelters available (cat shelters, locally we even have a rabbit shelter, guinea pigs, etc). It’s not only dogs that need help..

    I think if there was more effort to get the word out to smaller, locally owned shelters I’d love this app even more.
  • Would love to access other shelters

    It’s an amazing game, but once you hit a certain number of dogs within different shelters, you no longer have the option to get dogs from other shelters/states. Ex: I can only get dogs from Georgia, Washington, Nevada and New York. Even though I have the ability to get another dog, I can’t get one from a different state, there’s no option to do that. May be a bug? There’s hardly any guide on how to navigate the app. So, idk.
  • Love that I can help shelter dogs!

    The concept of this app is really great and I will continue to play! Just a few bugs here and there that will hopefully be fixed soon. One - I hope they bring back the ball throwing instead of the dice, I was able to get earn kibble a lot faster that way. Two - it’s happened 3 times now but the app has said that some dogs were rescued, but they just completely disappeared from my account. The app will close randomly, but that’s not a big deal. Otherwise, great game and great way to provide for shelter dogs!
  • Fantastic!

    Well, sometimes it’s a little laggy or glitchy, but I love the message here! If you have time to waste and want to do something productive with it? This is your thing! Go for the puppies if you want to rack up on ‘rescued’ count as they get adopted faster, but I go for the least treated dogs to feel like I’m making a difference. You can choose to send treats as you rack up kibbles (free) or pay a weekly fee to send meals to your dog of choice, I believe the most expensive option was $8 a week? I love that it gives you dogs from local shelters. I hope they also expand to cats/other pets some day!

    It’s worth the time from my life I have to spend watching adds for rolls, because I’m feeding shelter pets. I have a puppy and I care for my mom’s elderly dog since she can’t anymore and can hardly care for herself. The fun for me is helping the animals!
  • Cool App for an Even Better Cause

    Not only does this app allow you to help dogs, you do get to interact. You earn treats to send the dogs just by playing games (shoutout to Chewy for doing this for some well deserved doggos). If you choose to pay, you can send food too but treats are totally free to send. I’ve only had the app for 2 weeks and 2 of my dogs (I pick the least treated ones) have already been adopted. This extra exposure and being able to give is so amazing! I sent the link for my friend’s rescue to apply and hope they will be selected someday soon. Thank you to all who made this app a real thing!

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