My family loves these games!
I’m a lifelong gamer and I of course enjoy the variety but my bio kids are just getting into games and they love getting to have iPad time whether they’re reading the stories, coloring or playing the games!
We are also a foster family and our current bonus kiddos came with plenty of screen time exposure, especially Roblox. After 10 minutes of Truplay we said they could go back to Roblox if they wanted but we were amazed when not even 10 minutes later they chose to come back to Truplay instead! Thank you for the work you all are doing, may it continue and contribute to changing eternities while it’s also collaborating in transforming our day to day!
Response from developer
Hello Barefootbeautii-- We are deeply grateful to know that your family enjoys our app! We can’t wait to bring you more content for your family to enjoy. Happy gaming!