Shajarat AlDurr مطعم شجرة الدر

Shajarat AlDurr مطعم شجرة الدر

by Storax Inc.

Click to generate a QR code for easy access to the app on the App Store
Rating summary

About Shajarat AlDurr مطعم شجرة الدر

  • Released
  • Updated
  • iOS Version
  • Age Rating
  • Size
  • Devices
  • Languages
  • December 14, 2021
  • December 24, 2024
  • 13.0+
  • 4+
  • 93.73MB
  • iPhone, iPod
  • American English


Developer of Shajarat AlDurr مطعم شجرة الدر

Shajarat AlDurr مطعم شجرة الدر screenshot #1 for iPhone
Shajarat AlDurr مطعم شجرة الدر screenshot #2 for iPhone
Shajarat AlDurr مطعم شجرة الدر screenshot #3 for iPhone

What's New in Shajarat AlDurr مطعم شجرة الدر


June 30, 2022

-تحسينات في الأداء و تصميم واجهة المستخدم -إصلاحات عامة

Alternatives to Shajarat AlDurr مطعم شجرة الدر

More Applications by Storax Inc.


Is Shajarat AlDurr مطعم شجرة الدر available on iPad devices?

No, Shajarat AlDurr مطعم شجرة الدر isn’t iPad-friendly.

Who is the developer of the Shajarat AlDurr مطعم شجرة الدر app?

The Shajarat AlDurr مطعم شجرة الدر app was launched by Storax Inc..

What iOS version is needed to run the Shajarat AlDurr مطعم شجرة الدر app?

The Shajarat AlDurr مطعم شجرة الدر app requires iOS 13.0 or later.

What is the current app rating?

Currently, there are no ratings to display for the Shajarat AlDurr مطعم شجرة الدر.

What’s the genre of the Shajarat AlDurr مطعم شجرة الدر app?

The App Genre Of Shajarat Aldurr مطعم شجرة الدر Is Food & Drink.

What Shajarat AlDurr مطعم شجرة الدر application version is the latest one?

1.13.0 is the most recent version of Shajarat AlDurr مطعم شجرة الدر.

When did the new Shajarat AlDurr مطعم شجرة الدر update come out?

Shajarat AlDurr مطعم شجرة الدر’s latest update was rolled out on December 24, 2024.

When did Shajarat AlDurr مطعم شجرة الدر come out?

The app was launched on March 1, 2023.

What is the content advisory rating for the Shajarat AlDurr مطعم شجرة الدر app?

Family-friendly content, no mature themes or violence.

What languages does the Shajarat AlDurr مطعم شجرة الدر app support?

The Shajarat AlDurr مطعم شجرة الدر app is now available in American English, Arabic.

Is Shajarat AlDurr مطعم شجرة الدر one of the titles available through Apple Arcade?

No, Shajarat AlDurr مطعم شجرة الدر is not part of Apple Arcade.

Does Shajarat AlDurr مطعم شجرة الدر feature in-app purchases?

No, you won't find in-app purchases featured in Shajarat AlDurr مطعم شجرة الدر.

Is Shajarat AlDurr مطعم شجرة الدر optimized for use with Apple Vision Pro?

Unfortunately, Shajarat AlDurr مطعم شجرة الدر is not optimized for use with Apple Vision Pro.

Are there any advertisements in Shajarat AlDurr مطعم شجرة الدر?

No, there are no advertisements in Shajarat AlDurr مطعم شجرة الدر.