User Reviews: OXENFREE II

Top reviews

  • Amazing game

    Absolutely amazing game. I finished the first and second game in about three days. I wish it didn’t end. Loved the storyline. The characters. The graphics. The relationships with the characters. I even felt relatable to some of the characters. Such a good game. Creators did an incredible job. Thank you!!!!
  • Things don’t save

    I’m a long term fan of OXENFREE, I’m just really sad that often when I get through a significant portion of the game, when I come back it is not saved. I have just been restarted to the beginning which can be so frustrating especially when there are already time loops happening in the game (which are a great part of the plot). It can just be frustrating, I love the game just want it to save.
  • Won’t save

    Absolutely loved the first one, loved this one but I can’t seem to finish the game due to it not being auto saved. Two stars cuz idk how it ends.
    Lost hours of progress twice.
    First time it was late so I went to bed, woke up the next morning and it started over, thought maybe I did something wrong so I just started over.
    2nd time I’m like 2/3 hours in and the app just crashed. Reopened the app and there’s no game file at all. Everything’s just gone. 😭
  • No auto-saves

    The game itself is nicely done, and, under other circumstances, I'd probably give it 5 stars, but it doesn't auto-save while you are progressing it - hence 1 star. The game is not playable the way it is right now, cannot recommend it to anyone. I was playing it the whole Sunday, needed to take a short brake at the finale, where they discuss who will go through the portal, locked my phone for no more than 2 minutes, iOS killed the game, I reopened the game: no saves at all, my save slot I selected at the beginning of the game is empty. Horrible. Avoid playing this game if you don't want to lose your progress when taking a short break.
  • Great if it’s 1995

    Honestly, I love this game as much as the first one. But it won’t save my progress any more. Can’t even start a new game because there’s no save feature. I feel like I’m playing Sega before memory cards came out. So unless I can find time to play through it all in one go, and get lucky enough for it to not crash, then I’ll just have to live with never making it past a third of the game. 😤😭

    I played this after the first OXENFREE because I was so obsessed, but honestly, I love this one even more than the previous game. It looks much better, had fewer glitches (though there weren’t too many in the first game and I didn’t really mind them), and I was always interested in what was coming next. The story of the protagonist felt so real and I'm glad the ending I got was bittersweet, it paired well with the dark atmosphere and endearing main duo.
  • V2 even better

    This is a really well thought out game, the creators perfected a fine line between challenge/strategy and a hint of horror. I like that they took the process from v1 and applied slight fixes to the process for this one. Someone please find these creative smart devs to keep making more games like this!
  • Great story! A bit linear; limited replay value.

    I gave this game. 5 stars for the story and the game mechanics. Play is smooth, relaxing, and intuitive. I found almost no bugs, and no show-stoppers preventing a seamless experience. The story is compelling, heartwarming, and tragic — my favorite mix!

    I’m very happy I played it, but I’m skeptical about whether I’ll play it again. Still , if you already have Netflix, it’s a no-brainer — play it! :)

    In terms of downsides, the choices on which the game is based are the “usual”: be a decent person, be kind to people, and everything will work out for you. While there are many ways the plot can go based on your choices, choices mostly alter the events and accomplishments _surrounding_ the main story — few choices have a profound effect on the main storyline (but some do!).
  • love love love

    i love this game. and thats alot coming from me since i usually dont play games. but this one is so fun. it has a good story line. i love how you can do your own thing in the game without it redirecting you. i hopeee they make a part 3 to the game. NETFLIX please make a number 3😊
  • I love this game!!

    I really liked the first game and as soon as I saw this one coming out I just had to play it. I love how night school bring a new story that slowly starts connecting to the first game. The story is just so good.

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