Tistahel is designed with exclusive savings from 700+ brands in Saudi Arabia
With Tistahel, you get:
Instant Discounts
Enjoy hundreds of exclusive discounts that you can use in every visit!
Digital Coupons
Get the best price for selected goods and services by purchasing in-app coupons from famous brands!
Exclusive Offers
Save more money with limited time offers exclusively for you!
Online Discounts
Find promo codes for top online stores and applications.
How it works:
You can use Tistahel at hundreds of places around you: restaurants, cafes, gyms, spas, entertainment attractions and more.
Show the cashier the QR code.
Have the discount instantly applied to your bill!
Tistahel is powered and operated by SDC App. Follow us on social media @sdcappsa to stay updated on our latest deals!
The app wouldn’t allow me to sign up I signed up with my number, went through to verification page then to personal info including name email and password Kept telling me my email is invalid When I restarted the app it started telling me that my number is invalid
Response from developer
Hello, we apologize for this experience, please provide us with your information through our social media accounts "SDCAppsa" to solve the problem