by Pavel Trushnikov

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Developer of ЗЕЛЬБУРГЕР

ЗЕЛЬБУРГЕР screenshot #1 for iPhone
ЗЕЛЬБУРГЕР screenshot #2 for iPhone
ЗЕЛЬБУРГЕР screenshot #3 for iPhone
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What's New in ЗЕЛЬБУРГЕР


January 12, 2022

Alternatives to ЗЕЛЬБУРГЕР

More Applications by Pavel Trushnikov


Is ЗЕЛЬБУРГЕР iPad-friendly?

Yes, ЗЕЛЬБУРГЕР can be used on iPad devices.

Who developed the app?

The ЗЕЛЬБУРГЕР app was launched by Pavel Trushnikov.

What minimum version of iOS does ЗЕЛЬБУРГЕР need?

To function properly, the app requires at least iOS 12.0.

What do users think of the ЗЕЛЬБУРГЕР app?

Currently, the ЗЕЛЬБУРГЕР app has no user ratings.

What category of app is ЗЕЛЬБУРГЕР?

The зельбургер App Relates To The Food & Drink Genre.

What ЗЕЛЬБУРГЕР application version is the latest one?

7.3.1 is the most recent version of ЗЕЛЬБУРГЕР.

What is the date of the most recent ЗЕЛЬБУРГЕР update?

January 5, 2025 is the exact date of the latest ЗЕЛЬБУРГЕР update.

What is the specific date when the app came out?

The ЗЕЛЬБУРГЕР app became available to the public on February 6, 2023.

What age is ЗЕЛЬБУРГЕР suitable for?

Pavel Trushnikov: The ЗЕЛЬБУРГЕР app is child-friendly.

What are the languages offered by the ЗЕЛЬБУРГЕР app?

ЗЕЛЬБУРГЕР can be used in American English, Armenian, Azerbaijani and 15 more.

Does Apple Arcade offer ЗЕЛЬБУРГЕР as part of its collection?

No, ЗЕЛЬБУРГЕР is not featured on Apple Arcade.

Can I make in-app purchases within ЗЕЛЬБУРГЕР?

No, ЗЕЛЬБУРГЕР does not include options for in-app purchases.

Is ЗЕЛЬБУРГЕР specifically engineered for Apple Vision Pro compatibility?

Sorry, ЗЕЛЬБУРГЕР is not specifically engineered for compatibility with Apple Vision Pro.

Can I expect ads while using ЗЕЛЬБУРГЕР?

No, you can not expect ads while using ЗЕЛЬБУРГЕР.