wow. i wasnt sure but by golly…this is an app it surely is haha, now i had my doubts at first. i did. thought it seemed a bit too aloof to be an app. a bit too shiny. it didn’t smell like an app. please don’t sue me mr melon musk! haha I love all your products even the iMac and new coke. but i did have my worries, what can i say. but after downloading and plugging in and installing i can safely say that it is an app. glad i listend to my garndson. i asked him about it because i saw it on his phone and he told me, “Hey! Hey you! Stop! Stop right there! That’s my phone! What are you doing? What are you doing with my phone? Give it back. Stop him! Thief! Thief! Stop that man! He’s stealing my phone! Police! Help! Somebody! He’s got my brand new iphone! OW! HE WHACKED me! He whacked me over the head! That’s assault! Did you see that?! OW ow OW!” my grandsn was right as he always is. after testing out this etheiro connection or whatever it is called, just like he told me to do and lo’, and behold…just like our saviour says: it is actually an app! For the phone! For the cellular phone! An APPLICATION. and it’s realy nice that you don’t need a wooden mallet like in the old days to install th the wooden malet is provide i think? or mayb its included in the “digitalverse” however, it sure beats the old days BETA am i right??? walking downhill one way through the snow and the Dust bowl…old timeres will remember! all the way down to burtons general store to ask for the FRESHIEST application straigh off the Ponyo Express! by jove. you had to stand ony our tippity toes just to peak over th counter. place two slimy buffalo nickels in mr burton’s good hand. and he’d hand over the application for your pleasure with a smile and say, “Hey! Hey you! Get your grubby hands away from the money jar, you piece of trash! Oh, not so tough now that you’re unarmed? Where’s your mallet now, big boy? Not so big and tough without it, are you? Come here you miscreant! I’m going to beat you until you’re purple, I don’t care if you’re six and a half years old! Then I’m going to call the police and they’re going to send you to regular adult prison! The year is 1853 and we don’t have any laws for things like! Hey get back here! Don’t run away from me! I’m going to find out where you live, boy! I’m coming for you!!” and then you’d gleefully run aaaaaaall the way back hom e to pample street excited to show daddy your new applicaition. course you had to borrow his best wooden mallet to instal it. then once it was plugned in and installed and roebooted and of course he’d come home early fro mhis job at the slaughterhouse all made in his overalls fit to be tied at you sprawled out on the floor with a wooden mallet in your hand and he’d jsut shake his haed and smile his parent smile and say, “Hey! Who are you? What are you doing in my house? What’s that in your hand? Your father? Me? What in the blazes are you talking about? How did you get in? Leave! Get out immediately. Whoa! Whoa, whoa, whoa! What are you doing? Ow! Ow, stop it! Whoa wait, no, no please - you, you can just take it. Whatever you want, it’s yours! It’s all yours! Don’t hurt me! Please! I’ll tell you where the silver spoons are! I’ll tell you where my wife’s jewelry is! Here’s a Buffalo nickel! There’s more more upstairs! Ow! Please…please stop…please…” haha father i do miss him but i know hes baking potatoes in the hereafter with johnson, stetson, billy irish and the rest of em;. bet hes nissimg thos apps! ask my mama ive always been an app man. even back in the day. boy those were simpler times i tell you. glad that the wooden mallet is provided nowadays hey wait do you hear that? was like a buzzing sound. no? just me? yeah it was buzzing. loud buzzing. Sorry mate. Can never be too sure. sometimes it’s nothing. cant’ be too safe tho. They’re always watching **5 Stars**
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