User Reviews: Ridiculous Fishing EX

Reviews Summary

Top reviews

  • With A Small Fix- Great

    I used to have the original version of this game, (not on Apple Arcade) which was rather infuriating because you would have to sit through hour long ads just to play. When I saw this game, I immediately downloaded it with eagerness. As soon as I opened it, I was immediately disappointed… You have to tilt your phone to play… which isn’t desired in many situations. Every other aspect of the game is great but if you could add a feature that allows dragging the line, it would be greatly appreciated. That being said, there may already be one that I haven’t found yet, but anything other that the screen tilt to cast would be amazing. All in all, great game but could use some control fixes. Please add the drag feature, thanks.
  • Ridiculously Fun EX

    This game is excellent. I’ll say it right now. I love this game to bits, specifically the bits of the fish I obliterate daily in game. I really just love a lot about this game. Most fishing games take a gritty and serious avenue, choosing to appeal to that demographic of people who enjoy that specifically. However I find almost all fishing games boring, until I found this artifact at the bottom of the mobile game abyss known as Ridiculous Fishing EX. I love how it takes such a goofy and fun route. Everything is ridiculous in a fun and great way. The art style, the music, and the gameplay all look like the devs had so much fun with this. The progression is also great, I really enjoy the games’s progression from island to island. I only really have some issues in a few bugs, but don’t let that discourage you. I also love all the little things, such as the fish phone showing your actual battery and the actual time. If you can, or especially if you’re on the fence, PLEASE don’t pass up this gem. Also Devs, I hope you add new content as well, keeping players coming. Also don’t be afraid to not do that and instead focus on bug fixes too if it calls for it. Good luck with your next endeavors.
  • Don’t buy the knife

    That’s my biggest tip. The knife lets you cut your line by swiping across the screen. If I’d known this ahead of time I would’ve anticipated the problem: essentially makes it so you can’t boost on the way up without inadvertently cutting loose everything you’ve caught. This isn’t a big issue at first but gets worse as you upgrade. Luckily there’s a new game+ that resets your purchases so I won’t make that mistake again. I tweaked the sensitively, tried playing differently, always cut the line. Argh

    Aside from that it’s good stuff. Some of the descriptions are hilarious. Worth the $0 list price fo sho
  • Extremely nice controls and an overall fun gameplay experience

    I ADORE this game. While it did take me a second to get used to the controls, once I did they felt extremely smooth and feels like second nature to me.

    The art is also very cool looking with nice animations. And it has a pretty neat twist end. Tho I can’t say anything about the music or sound design in general since I mute all apps I use.

    If I have one complaint it’s that the shooting gallery aspect of the game can get a little tedious and annoying, especially at the start of a game or new game+. But they novelty of shooting fish out of the sky let’s me forgive it.
  • Really cool game! 6 Stars if I could!

    Funny Gameplay, pure goof with a dash of silly sauce. Only thing is it’s a bit mobile-game-y. don’t get me wrong I’m not a so-called True Gamer. I just think it could use a bit more story. Add more challenges, make it a bit less money based yk. I’m having fun doing this but the upgrades are a little expensive, maybe you can have quests (could fit in to a story mode) where you can earn them. I would like to see multiplayer in this (Random Names! No inappropriate stuff!) or like a fish-designer app where you can make your own fish designs. Anyways really fun game, just had a couple of suggestions, you deserved every 5-star review you got. Including this one. I hope to stay updated on your developing journey! <3
  • Disappointed

    It was a really fun game I was almost done beating it. Only had a few things left to buy. But then I unlocked a new place. Says instead of fishing the fishermen goes in. I didn’t think it start a whole new game. So all that progress was for nothing. It be fine if I was able to go back. But I don’t think I can. For that it’s very aggravating. I would like to get my old progress back I don’t want to start the game all over again. But it was a really fun game overall just wish It could have a back button so if you don’t want to start all over again you press it and it brings you back.
  • Lacking polish and impacting gameplay

    I was a massive fan of the original and I am a massive fan of this game, but the bugs and polish fixes that still exist after over a month on arcade are giving me pause.
    This game doesn’t work consistently, and I don’t think consistency is a big ask for some of the biggest names in indie mobile development. The game is prone to pauses and lag at critical moments, not logging earned achievements, and giving false notifications.
    The pro tour, which I was extremely excited fir as a veteran player, is one of the worst offenders in lack of polish destroying gameplay. Every 3-4 pro tour casts I have are disrupted by the menu popping up, the notification bubble for it is always on even if I have caught every available fish (often masking actual achievements), and on at least two occasions the goals for the day have been logically impossible to complete.
    While I was able to put up with this due to my excitement for this remake, it doesn’t seem like ridiculous fishing will be seeing much replay until these issues get fixed.
  • Fantastic Remake, Needs Love

    This game brought back great memories. The use of 3D models for the fish adds a modern touch that makes collecting the fish exciting all over again. Love the new game mechanic with the maelstrom and the increased rarity of fish as you continue to “prestige”.

    Unfortunately, the game has been out for only a month now but it has two critical issues which, in my opinion, were worthy of a quick hotfix:

    1. Catching the City of Gold Fish is bugged and it forces you to restart the game. The fish hooks but drags away from your lure as you ascend while stretching itself out. This results in the fish not being thrown into the air while your other fish do. You end up stuck staring at your boat waiting for fish that will never fall back down. This prevents the completion of multiple achievements and honestly spoils the fun.

    2. The Pro Fishing mode has been broken since the most recent update for me and my partner on separate devices, separate phone carriers, separate iPhone models. When you load the pro fishing mode, it tells you to check your internet connection.

    With these two errors, any reason to play the game after you’ve collected the rest of the fish is gone. After days of being frustrated with these issues, I’m going to stop checking for the latest patch and just give up.

    Long story short: play through it, enjoy the nostalgia, and hope by the time you reach the end game loop that there is even a loop that you’re able to play!
  • I like it, but there are issues.

    The game is a great updated version of the old game. But I have some issues with it. For one, the hit box of the hook is way to big. I’ll go through a gap of fish which looks like I should for sure get through, but my hook will hit fish even though hook didn’t actually touch any fish. Arctic floes has way to many jelly fish. It’s basically not worth playing there because your profit will be terrible. I also have a problem with the chainsaw/boost lure. Once you start boosting to get through fish, the game starts spawning so many fish that you cant stop boosting till almost all your fuel is gone. Maelstrom has segments with so many clusters of fish that you are forced to use fuel to boost. You shouldn’t be forced to use boost especially for very long when you want to go 1000m and further. I was able to get very far in the old game but I can’t seem to get past 700m in this one. Over all the game is fun but it has many issues making it annoying to play.
  • Very good but too hard to complete the fishopedia

    What the title says. I loved the original and got this one the day it released. It had a bunch of issues at release but the developers have really been on the ball with fixing them. In general, this game is an improvement from the first one (besides BikBok being a lot less fun than Byrdyr) but could use a bit more new content. Mainly I find the stuff from Pro Fishing Tour to be lots of fun and really interesting but sadly you only get to play about 5 minutes a day. Some kind of new, challenging world that uses some features from Pro Fishing Tour could work.

    Anyway, the fishopedia issue- I like the new variant thing (even when gigantic rare fish all over get kind of distracting) but there's also these new fish in the game that are really REALLY hard to obtain. The five 'Friend' fish from the Maelstrom. Far too much luck and weird circumstances are involved in collecting them all, and their variants make matters even worse. I would suggest making use of the 3 save files and let players find 'friend' fish that represent their high scores in their other save files. Otherwise, collecting all types of 'friend' fish may be impossible in some cases, and most players might not even know they exist.

    Developer Response

    Hi there, thank you so much for this review and your feedback. I'll send it along to the devs. 🙏