User Reviews: Hilarious Meme King

Hilarious Meme King
Hilarious Meme King
Hainan Leguo Interactive Entertainment Technology Co.,Ltd.

Reviews Summary

Top reviews

  • Fun game but translation issues and glitches!

    Although the game is in English on my end, quite a lot of the text is still in Chinese, I have to constantly open Google translate to read it and as people know, Google’s translations aren’t that great. I’ve also come to realize that the player has to either be Chinese or know a lot about Chinese culture to understand the scenarios and situations in the game, which may seem odd to someone (like myself initially) who doesn’t know much about the subjects. Another issue that I’ve had is when clicking the button to watch an ad to get a hint, sometimes I don’t actually get the hint after watching the ad; which is frustrating obviously. Other than that, the game is really fun to me and I play it almost everyday! Hopefully more levels will be added in the future!
  • Confusing and racist

    First of all, this game is fun and all but I got to one of the levels which was called the perfect wedding picture I had to constantly keep clicking on the brides face to make her smile and nothing was working. I clicked on the hints and it said to keep clicking on her face, and I kept doing it, but nothing second of all I got to part where you had to give a girl all the money and she was already so pretty and when she said she wanted to be “pretty” her skin turned from brown to white like what’s this game trying to say that being dark skin is ugly like what’s wrong with that
  • Racist and vogue ;-;

    I don't really need to explain myself, but I will anyway. on one of the levels, there was a girl who wanted to be "pretty" and just became more pale. This is coming from a black person, and I've seen many games like this being racist. Also, there's literally just an ad after every level. Call me dramatic, call me petty. But I didn't really like this game because of how vogue it was. So I don't recommend playing this. If you download it anyway, I don't blame you for being curious. I did the same thing too lol. But yeah.
  • Awful game

    There are no instructions. The dialogue doesn’t make sense. The actions you need to take on many levels are completely arbitrary and you have to remember a dozen separate steps to do them all perfectly or you have to start over. The UI is also terrible - you can’t zoom in, it’s impossible to know what you’re supposed to click on, taps often don’t register (so you don’t know if you’ve done something wrong or if the game is bugged). As many others have said it’s also racist/sexist in many levels. Do yourself a favor and don’t download this awful game unless they fix ALL of the issues.
  • The game won’t load

    I’ve been trying everyday, I open the game and I wait for it to load the screen just turns white and does nothing, the game looked very interesting so I downloaded it, but now I can’t even play it the screen is just complete white, I don’t know what’s wrong, so please try to reach out to me or fix this glitch, this problem is on the apple iPad
  • Please read this

    now don’t get me wrong this game is trickie and fun which I love but when a level was too hard I used a hint and it said to drag the blue clip board on the counter to the lady it wouldn’t let me at first I thought it was my internet but when I got home it still didn’t work so please fix this bug because I really like this game
  • Glitchy + too many ads

    There is 2 ads per episode and u have to watch 3 ads to unlock like 50 levels for 24 hours. Game is exactly as advertised but a LOT of the levels glitch,, items will disappear and some items don't work where you drag them. A lot of the levels are glitched,, its still very fun but there should’ve been more thought into testing the game and looking for bugs. I doubt this game will be updated anytime soon but until then it gets 2 stars.
  • 🎀

    This game is really fun but it’s also a little glitchy on some levels but you can refresh to fix that. This game may be very laggy for some but that’s probably just your phone or device. Most people are complaining that this game is “racist” but this game is made in China so their beauty standards is pale skin. But most characters start off with a dark face which is not their skin it is just dirt on their face. (You can tell if you look closely) It is also very rare to find racist Chinese people since they are taught young to respect tourists. If you were a Black foreigner around in places like a zoo you would usually be surrounded by young kids in china offering you things like food. But overall this game is very fun to play!
  • Bad gameplay

    I read the game 2 out of 5 stars because some of the levels there too hard to complete, and when you click on the hints to get a hint they they don’t really help like the perfect wedding picture. One of the hint for the bad words to keep on pressing on her face and I kept on pressing on her face, but of course it didn’t work, I keep on pressing. I keep on pressing, but it just doesn’t work. So like these levels are really hard hard and complicated, and even if you do with the hint they they don’t help, and so that’s why I say this game isn’t as good as it seems like on the ad, it will be good, but when you actually get to playing the game, you’ll see how not as fun and addicting as P, other people say it is.
  • Confusing

    When I was playing it I was having a good time until I got to level 12 I did everything and I got a hint it said keep pressing on Wangs face. So I did and it’s still not working, I don’t even know what im doing wrong and I keep running out of time because it’s not working I still can’t even finish the level because of this and it’s getting frustrating her face is not changing at all im so confused I don’t know what im doing wrong 😭😭

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