My game is not loading
I noticed that my game is not loading and it doesn’t go to the home page at all when I open it. It opens to a blank page that says, network connection please check your internet connection. Im connected to my internet and my devices are up to date software-wise. I have tried deleting and repurchasing the game and it’s still not working. I can’t play it.
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Stopped Working
No longer loading on iPhone 13. Tried redownloading, restarting phone, and changing internet connections (including 5g). Still nothing. Please fix
Paperbride 2 Zangling village
I have loaded the game but can’t open to play
Downloaded. Game won’t load.
The game won’t load.
新時代懟天懟地懟老頭的好姐妹哈哈哈哈哈~謎題難度適中,玩法有些驚喜。劇情單獨看或者跟同系列的其他遊戲一起看都不錯。那首情歌不知道是不是原創的,好聽。配音表演非常合適。總之本作透露著一股有錢的氣息( ̄▽ ̄)
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