Great app. I’ve been following Terry’s teaching for years.
Great app. I’ve been following Terry’s teaching for years.
Great app. I’ve been following Terry’s teaching for years.
26 Golf Coaching
Good information
26 Golf
Great app!! The only app that just doesn’t give you information it actually gives you the learning skills to become a better golfer with practically no swing thoughts! 😀
Great guy great app
Been following terry for a while and like the process, keep it up!!
Golf swing
Greatest swing advice ever and help me stop casting the driver is right down the center still working on my irons but I feel more confident over the ball
26 Golf
Great app!! The only app that just doesn’t give you information it actually gives you the learning skills to become a better golfer with minimal swing thoughts! 😀
Good understanding of golf swing
Easy to follow, to the point
Michael J Lackey
I’ve been playing at this game for well over forty years now and I love the way Terry teaches, informs, & guides us through the 2/6 method of learning & improving our games! If you want to get ‘real’ feedback and understanding on HOW to actually use the 2/6 method then this app is great! Terry is highly effective in helping you understand and improve your golf knowledge and game. Thanks Terry!
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