Works as advertised
I like this design. It provides flexibility to create checklists that I might re-use and the lists are self-sorting (if no items are checked it’s pending, if all items are checked it’s done) so no status to manage. Items can be moved to other lists so this can also support a simple kanban approach, too.
I was disappointed that the export only exports to a text file. If I had realized that I don’t think I would have paid to unlock the pro features. It does not provide an option to export/share to the clipboard or email which would make it easier to share data without having to do extra steps. The Export All exports the files to a zip folder.
1 star for user interface, 1 star for functionality, 1 star for not collecting data.
I was disappointed that the export only exports to a text file. If I had realized that I don’t think I would have paid to unlock the pro features. It does not provide an option to export/share to the clipboard or email which would make it easier to share data without having to do extra steps. The Export All exports the files to a zip folder.
1 star for user interface, 1 star for functionality, 1 star for not collecting data.
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