Kaatsh: Salary Finder

Kaatsh: Salary Finder

compare paycheck anonymously

In-App Purchases
Click to generate a QR code for easy access to the app on the App Store
Rating summary

About Kaatsh

  • Released
  • Updated
  • iOS Version
  • Age Rating
  • Size
  • Devices
  • Languages

Developer of Kaatsh

In-App Purchases of Kaatsh



Unlimited Pass

Full access to all features, forever

Kaatsh: Salary Finder screenshot #1 for iPhone
Kaatsh: Salary Finder screenshot #2 for iPhone
Kaatsh: Salary Finder screenshot #3 for iPhone
Kaatsh: Salary Finder screenshot #4 for iPhone
Kaatsh: Salary Finder screenshot #5 for iPhone

What's New in Kaatsh


November 13, 2024

We regularly update the app to provide you with an optimal experience and exciting new features. Bug Fixes: We’ve resolved several bugs to enhance stability.


Alternatives to Kaatsh


Can Kaatsh support iPad devices?

Yes, Kaatsh is compatible with iPad devices.

Who developed the app?

The Kaatsh app was created by AJP Productions.

What is the lowest iOS version that Kaatsh can run on?

To function properly, the app requires at least iOS 13.0.

How does the app rank among users?

Kaatsh has a consumer rating of 4.7 and receives plenty of positive reviews.

What’s the app category of Kaatsh?

The Main Genre Of The Kaatsh App Is Business.

Which version of the Kaatsh app is the latest one?

The newest version of Kaatsh is 4.0.4.

What is the date of the most recent Kaatsh update?

Kaatsh rolled out its latest update on December 24, 2024.

What is the specific date when the app came out?

Kaatsh originally came out on July 4, 2024.

What is the age rating for Kaatsh?

Kaatsh is suitable for children aged AJP Productions.

What are the languages supported by Kaatsh?

Kaatsh is available in English.

Does Apple Arcade offer Kaatsh as part of its collection?

No, Kaatsh is not featured on Apple Arcade.

Can I make in-app purchases within Kaatsh?

Yes, you can make in-app purchases to unlock additional features in Kaatsh.

Can I use Kaatsh with Apple Vision Pro?

No, you cannot use Kaatsh with Apple Vision Pro.

Are there commercial ads in Kaatsh?

No, there are no commercial ads in Kaatsh.