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In-App Purchase

All Versions of 初中AR地理


April 28, 2022

初中AR地理 In-App Purchases History


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初中 AR 地理所有图片

Price History of 初中AR地理

Description of 初中AR地理

“初中 AR 地理”是一款专门为我国初中阶段地理教学打造的全新AR互动学习产品。AR(AugmentedReality)的技术特点即是在传统教学手段的基础上,利用多种多媒体互动手段叠加丰富、生动、形象、逼真的数字化信息,通过虚实结合的手法,将原本晦涩难懂、复杂综合的知识结构进行透视、解构、形象化、动态化,互动式学习模式帮助学生们更加透彻、全面地理解知识点。本产品中包含的教学内容,结合我国地理学科授课实况,根据最新中学地理教材知识结构精心编写,全面覆盖新课标知识点,不分教材版别,全国适用。

初中AR地理: FAQ

Does 初中AR地理 have support for iPad devices?

Yes, 初中AR地理 is optimized for iPad devices.
The 初中AR地理 app was launched by Beijing Vivabro Technology Co.,Ltd..
The minimum supported iOS version for the app is 10.0.
There are no ratings for the 初中AR地理 app at the moment.
The App Category Of The 初中ar地理 App Is Education.
2.0.0 is the most recent version of the 初中AR地理 app.
The latest update for 初中AR地理 was released on June 29, 2024.
The app was initially released on April 15, 2023.
Designed for children, contains no adult material.
Currently, the 初中AR地理 app supports the following languages: Simplified Chinese (China).
Unfortunately, 初中AR地理 is not on Apple Arcade.
Indeed, 初中AR地理 provides opportunities for in-app purchases.
No, 初中AR地理 does not offer compatibility with Apple Vision Pro.

Screenshots of 初中AR地理


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