User Reviews: RocaNews

Reviews Summary

Top reviews

  • Love Roca News with all my heart🥰

    I have been with Roca since 2021 reading their newsletter daily and following on Instagram and now this app. I now look at the new differently, I am able to have calm knowledgable conversations about politics.
    What I have learned the most is that mainstream media dramatizes and simplifies the news. With roca you get the history, back stories, bios on the people involved. You get the opportunity to understand the situation. This has made a huge impact on my life and understanding the Ukraine war, immigration and Israel/Gaza war.
    I know read the news in 30 minutes daily and feel I have more knowledge than when I would have 24 Hour news on daily.
  • News that lets your think for yourself

    Roca has completely changed my faith in news delivery. I started following them on Instagram a few years ago and found their delivery of world news actually refreshing. It was a no-fluff approach that let me take my own deep dives into things I wanted to know more about. There was no hidden agenda, gaslighting, click baiting, etc. It was just pure info. and I chose now to interpret it. Not a producer in a south booth on the other side of the country. So of course I jumped on the opportunity to use the app when it came out! And I was NOT let down at all. Great in-depth features, quick summaries of current events, polls, quizzes….it’s actually FUN to check the news now! Their tech support responds immediately and personally to you on the rare occasion there is an app issue! That floored me when I had to DM them a few months ago on a tech issue I had. Excellent app. I cannot say enough about Roca. Great people, great info, great experience. This one is a keeper.
  • Reading New News Is Great Again!

    Finally the time has arrived where we have real journalists dedicated to reporting facts, not biased drivel cloaked as truth. I have lived long enough (let’s just say I’m middle aged) to have received “analog” news. Back in the day before the Internet, news was news. Generally it was reputable and vetted prior to print and rarely did you see a redacted report (although it did happen occasionally).
    If you wanted nonsense gossip or biased news it was called “the opinion” or “editorial” page.
    Do “kids” these days know the difference between opinion and facts? I don’t think many do. But if anyone out there wishes to become nuanced in the spectrum of current events impacting our lives on a daily basis, I cannot think of a better news source than RocaNews! Thanks to all who made this possible, I’ve been a subscriber since its invite only phase on Instagram… it just keeps getting better and better.
  • Not Worth It

    I had high hopes for this app. I enjoyed Roca news on Instagram, and believed this to be a more streamlined version of the Insta page. The app started off smooth. The “streaks” are annoying (I don’t need a pat on the back for opening an app two days in a row), and even worse, now you can PAY to recover lost streaks (do people really care about that?).
    Now you can’t access portions without becoming a member, the Roca Review quiz is childish, and stories either don’t give enough details or they run on unnecessarily for 19 slides. Moving through one set of slides today, caused the app to close twice on the same third slide..what gives?
    Deleting this until it looks like an actual news app and is not full of busywork quizzes, useless “streaks”, and offers reasonable access to the platform.
    You were on the right track, Roca. Bummer this is the result.
  • Totally Biased, with an Agenda

    I was very excited when I saw the mission statement of this app, so I downloaded it. Interestingly enough, I could immediately surprised (initially in a good way) that I had no where to go or browse (that’s actually with browsing) other than their “Need to know” section, with six sub sections, interestingly enough ALL about the conflict in the Middle East.

    I read these sub sections, one after another, and to be frank, most of the facts were true, with very little bias. But sadly enough, the last page (of 11) of one of these sub sections ends with one statement that is SUBJ ECTIVE, claiming that “Israel is this surrounded by hostile forces that seek its destruction”. While I totally agree with this statement, it is a SUBJECTIVE statement, and in no realm can be considered “neutral” or not taking sides, when no where in the rest of the “Need to Know” section is any SUBJECTIVE mention of what is happening to the opposing side.

    Will give this app another week or month, who knows. Was really hoping for an app that provides what RocaNews claims it seeks to provide, but so far, I don’t see news. I see a decent summary-history educational app, with inevitable human bias.
  • Perfect news app - objective, interesting, and entertaining

    I've been following Roca on Instagram for a while and joined the app in its beta stage, ever since I downloaded the app it's become a great part of my daily routine. Roca handles plenty of controversial news with a level of objectivity and balance i don't see elsewhere, which is really amazing in this day and age. All the stories are always super interesting, whether I'm getting more details on something I already know or finding about a totally new thing. I've learned so much from the app. And if you don't think the news can be fun, think again—stories are consistently written in engaging ways, and bonus features like in-story polls, Globe Trotter, or Rabbit Hole make it all the more entertaining. I also really love how the Roca team really listens to and cares about their users—there are plenty of things lesser devs could've done to increase profit or make their jobs easier, but Roca focuses on the best possible experience for users and really does listen to feedback. Overall I cannot recommend Roca News highly enough, once you download it you'll be wondering how you lived without it
  • Making news fun!

    I’ve been following RocaNews since they we only on Instagram and sent daily emails. Now they’re an app…WOW! I firmly hate news in all forms EXCEPT for RocaNews. It is straight up only the facts news. And brief! I can get a whole world of news in less than 15 minutes and know more about what’s going on in the world than someone who watches news on TV. And they do in-depth stories that are educational and relevant. And the app makes it all into a little game to earn points and get ranked with other readers. And shock of all…NO ADS and all free! (Hopefully this will continue.) It is a very enjoyable way to keep up with the news. RocaNews is awesome!
  • These guys…

    Made a great app. I was already getting the emails and had them in my Insta feed, and the app is even better!
    I like that the news is distilled into bite sized pieces, but that all the relevant details are included. I especially like that there isn’t a slant in the writing. There’s a little bit of snark from time to time, but never in a politically partisan way, just in a generally kind of funny way. I also like the road trips and LOVE that they report on specific topics that don’t get much mainstream coverage.
    I would use the app just for these things alone, but then they added trivia and achievements, and I’m hooked.
    Great work guys, keep it up!
  • The BEST news app

    This is truly the only app you need and should have. In today’s fear mongering and polarizing news sources- Roca informs and educates. They give you a background/history of a story - that’s it. They don’t give an opinion- they don’t slant the issue - and it’s done quickly and easy to read slides. The Dig Deep feature gives even more background- which is my favorite. It educates you on current (and past) events so you can talk about the news- not yell about it like everyone else.

    There are also “games” that help you learn more about the world- geography- culture- and some entertainment. The news and I would say a game component. I feel it is the only thing on my phone helping my brain - I love it!!!
  • The Best

    Hands down, Roca News is the best (&, let’s be honest, the ONLY) US news I will consume.
    Started on Instagram, then signed up for the daily emails, & now use the app daily.
    It’s absolutely amazing to be able to find out what’s actually going on in our country & in the world without also being screamed at about irrelevant things that are only put on mainstream media to scare us into hating and fearing everything. Roca News is an absolute godsend for this hard-working, millennial mom who wants to know what’s going on but can’t stand what the news has done to her family & our nation!!

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