User Reviews: Uzbekistan Airways

Top reviews

  • Перелеты!!

    2 раза летала Вашей компанией до Нью Йорка.. очень довольна!! Теперь буду постоянной Вашей клиенткой.. вежливый персонал, удобные пересадки… уютный аэропорт.. мне все очень нравиться!!
  • Poor performance, lots of errors

    You cannot reserve a seat, even a paid one, online check in is mostly unavailable, “unexpected” errors are very frequent. But even if you manage to buy a seat it is common that ground staff is not avare of it and it can be easily given to someone else, even at the domestic departure. The only feature that works most of the time is ticket purchase
  • кончений application

    кончений application
  • Qotishdan uyog’iga o’tmaydi!

    Mana 30 minutki pul to’lolmay o’tiribman. Credit card qabul qilmaydi, Amex nimaligini bilmaydi, chase, BofA qaysini tiqsam ham omayapti. Asab buzish uchun chiqarganmisizlar bu appni?
    Accountda profile to’ldirdim, shuni bilet olayotganda shu danniylarni kiritsa bo’ladiku… yooooq boshqattan yozib chiqish kerak (odamlarni qilar ishi yo’q) website ham app ham tufta!!!! Sal qimmatroq lekin 3 - website lardan olgan yaxshiroq. Qilgan odam sog’ omon bo’lsin!!!

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