User Reviews: ASL Bloom

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Top reviews

  • It’s a great app but not the most accessible

    As someone who tried doing a lot of research of the best free ASL learning app, I was so excited to download and breeze through the first few lessons but then was super disheartened when I could no longer progress without subscribing and paying. I had googled around and on the website it made the comment: “Best of all, this app is completely free to use.” What they don’t mention is that it’s only free for three modules which covers the alphabet and a very limited number of basic words. It talks about a “premium” you can pay for that you can access flash cards and quizzes but it won’t let me progress past the first three modules without paying.
    It really was a super easy app to use and very easy to learn from but, as someone who doesn’t have the extra money to spend on learning ASL, I thought I had found a good app but alas, my search continues unfortunately.
  • Great App: Well Designed for Beginners

    ASL Bloom features an intuitive and user-friendly design, showcasing a commendable effort to create a comprehensive learning experience. I believe that everyone should have a basic understanding of American Sign Language, and this app is a great resource for those starting their journey.

    As someone with foundational knowledge of ASL, I found that the free version only covered material I am already familiar with. This made it challenging for me to explore the app’s full potential and what additional content might be available.

    While the subscription price—$100 per year or $48 for three months—may be a barrier for some users, I recognize that it could be a worthwhile investment for others. I would love to see an expansion of the free content, which could help users like me better assess the app’s offerings and encourage more learners to dive deeper into ASL.
  • 👌🏽👏🏽🙌🏽 if you want to learn ASL easily and quick, GET THIS APP!

    I’ve been wanting to learn ASL for some time now, and while I learned how to sign the ABC’s back in grade school, along with a few other words/phrases, I wanted to learn more.
    To be blunt, I expected this app to be like sooo many others (like 99.9% of them 😑) and have to pay after getting through the first lesson or something, but NOPE! And let me tell you, I’ve done 6 lessons so far and I’m retaining every single thing I’ve learned thus far. The app itself is so easy to navigate which makes it even better too!
    I decided to turn on notifications so I get a reminder daily and you can finish one lesson in 5 mins or less and you’ll have learned between 5-10 words/phrases. In just that ONE lesson! You can either stop there or keep going.
    You’ll start by watching a video where someone is signing the word/phrase and then it tells you what that sign actually is.
    I would have to say that my favorite part (so far) of this app is that you have the option to slow down the speed of the video so that you don’t miss the proper way to sign.
    I highly recommend anyone wanting to learn just a little bit of ASL or, like me, wanting to learn it as an additional language.
  • Enjoying the app so far.

    Upon learning the very basics I’m excited to keep learning everything else. The only thing is it’s not free. I understand to have to make money off of the app but duolingo is free. You should partner with them. I’m enjoying learning ASL but I want more of an opportunity to learn from all the lessons. Include a family plan. Make it free to an extent like duolingo but give us the option to buy the entire language through a partial subscription, say like 3-6 months. Increase the free trial period to 2 weeks. Maybe an option to learn the mistakes you’ve made in a “practice mistakes” section. The app has a lot of potential but I just wish it was free.
  • Amazing app !

    At first I had gotten a different app and it was good but I only got to do 4 lessons before I had to get pro and I was devastated so I went looking and found this app AND OMG it’s the best app ever I’m learning American sign so quick and having fun as I learn I completely recommend this app it’s so amazing with people showing the signs as well as having captions for conversation you learn and asking you questions about what you know and if the sign makes sense or if you need to go back and you get points when getting a question right which gives you motivation to keep going you have daily streaks as well that make you goal stick with you and not end up in a ditch forgotten so in all YOU NEED THIS APP TO LEAN SIGN LANGUAGE!! 😝😍
  • Great App! I love it!

    ive only been using it for a couple days to learn asl for a friend, and it works great! there is an option to pay to get extra features like flash cards and stuff, but the paywall doesnt hinder the free experience! the videos are super helpful and they really make asl easy to learn. if u want to learn asl i would definitely recommend because you its low commitment, u can do it everyday (i have been) and you can use for 1 minute or 40 (they dont make u do it for a certain amount of time like other language learning apps do)!
    10/10 highly recommend :)
  • Learning ASL for my daughter

    My little girl was born with a bilateral cleft lip and palate. She has very limited speech at almost a year and a half years old and in typical cleftie baby fashion, she has some fluid behind her eardrums which makes it hard for her to hear. Her doctors consider her having moderate hearing loss.

    I downloaded this app in order to learn and in turn teach her so communication with her is easier. These lessons are very easy to follow along with and if you’re stuck on something, you can slow down the speed at which the instructors sign till you can sign it, yourself. Lessons don’t drag on and it keeps you engaged. Looking forward to finally being able to communicate with my child!
  • An amazing app!

    This app is amazing if you want to learn ASL. It does a great job of teaching you accurate signs and facial expressions. It constantly reminds you of the signs so they get really embedded into your head and you remember them with ease. I am a fast learner but if you aren’t it gives you many opportunities to catch up by asking you questions and letting you repeat lessons and in the chats they’ll ask if you are comfortable with the progress you’ve made or if you need to review it more. This is overall a great app and it really has helped me make a ton of progress over the short time i’ve used it so far and i plan to keep using it for a long time!
  • This is a great app

    This app doesn’t have hearts like Duolingo but has a daily streak and doesn’t make you correct your mistakes at the end word by word. It instead sneaks it into the lesson to help you learn and grow! This app shows real life conversations in video form first so you can see what it would look like, then breaks it down bit by bit. If it’s too fast for you then you can slow it down. If you keep getting things right then you can get a correction streak! So far there aren’t any leagues or any competitions that you have to deal with and worry about! Take learning at your pace for FREE!!! Greatest app! Would recommend for the deaf community even for people who need to learn it for work or curiosity reasons. Download it now!!!
  • Great app but not affordable for many

    I think this is a great app and I support paying the developers and teachers for their work. But I also strongly believe learning a language should be more accessible to people and there are ways to do that while also getting paid. I think they should either introduce a monthly payment option and/or a free with ads version. I would support either of those options. But $100 per year as the cheapest option is… a bit much for most people. I feel like they could get a lot more users (and, therefore, money) if they tweaked their pricing. As an app itself, though, I have no complaints.

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