User Reviews: Vocal Reader

Top reviews

  • It’s okay

    The app is okay, but I can’t search for the stories I want to read.
  • Readers Only

    This app is designed for readers, not creators. I was looking forward to using the app to write but have not found that to be an option.
  • Good But…

    I want to preface this by saying I love Vocal and all that it does. This app is very clean and easy to navigate.


    I wish it did more. As it stands currently, it’s virtually useless for creators. I can’t use it to upload or manage my stories in any capacity, check stats, or basically anything.

    Even as a reader, it offers very little compared to the website. I can see Top Stories and any authors I’m subscribed to and that’s it. I can’t browse categories or search for anything in particular.

    The website’s features that allow users to browse is part of how new and unestablished authors gain readership. The app doesn’t allow that. In fact, it even punishes them. Only authors you are already subscribed to and authors who are lucky enough to get a Top Story are rewarded as the app stands now. I think an app for this website is a great idea, but I haven’t wanted to interact with it since downloading it because of the huge drawbacks. It makes way more sense for me to open up the website in my browser. And that just isn’t the mentality you want anyone to have when interacting with your app.

    Developer Response

    Thanks for your feedback. We plan on updating the app with search and more features to increase the parity between the web app and the mobile apps.
  • Great app

    Each time I open the app, I find something interesting to read and someone new to follow. I love the breadth of content from writers all over the world.
  • Finally!

    So excited to finally have a Vocal app! So convenient for reading my favorite authors’ stories on the go.
  • Best storytelling app

    I love this app and the curated stories. Super clean UX too. Instead of infinite scrolling through algorithmic content, Vocal allows me to take a few minutes to be immersed in authentic stories.

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