User Reviews: Play This Life

Top reviews

  • Royalties

    Sad that there’s no royals
    I extremely want to have a chance to become a royal through birth or marriage
    Guess I will have to keep waiting 😞😞😞😩😩😩😩😫😫😫🥺🥺🥺🥺

    Developer Response

    Hi Alina, okay sure, we will consider your comments for future updates. Thanks for playing Play This Life! 🤓
  • Love this game! But…

    I love this game and I find myself playing it a lot more than other mobile life sims I have. However, I wish we could have the option to customize our character when we begin a new life, at least stats/traits/backstory-wise. I understand this not being a feature in the free version, but I think it should be a feature in the paid version!
    My only other suggestions are similar to other reviewers, like more time or some UI adjustments (maybe this is just me, but there’s often a bit of a delay between submitting an action and the next year beginning).
    Overall, I really enjoy this game and think it has amazing potential! :)
  • an update to continue the legacy

    so i love the game and yes i do wish we had more time to do things in life and that it was easier to become fit or get a high paying job. however i really wish that when you continue as a child or parents that you continue as the age that they were when the previous characters died and maybe even continue as the spouses but really just fixing the age so instead of starting as a baby you start at whatever age that character was left off
  • Avatar update

    I love it but can we choose our own genetics ??? Maybe a little more time in the lifespan ???😭 other than that I’m addicted I find myself locked in for hours!!!
  • Lack of significant mood boosting activities

    About 85% of my lives ended in suicide before I could do anything significant and I paid for the legacy version. It has potential but as of now it is a bit frustrating. I enjoy games like this and I do want to see how this game grows
  • Game time

    I really wish you guys would take away the timer, there’s no time to do anything productive and fun. Once your done with school and everything that comes with it, there’s no time for anything else.
  • More lives possible

    Should add where you have a chance to be born/ become friends with royalty ( in countries that have royal families). Also be nice to be able to attend private or elite private schools. Please consider adding royals and private school options in the game please please please.

    Developer Response

    Hi Alina, okay sure, we will consider your comments for future updates. Thanks for playing Play This Life! 🤓
  • I really enjoy the game!

    There is though, an issue in which I am continuously expelled from school for failure to follow instructions. There are never any instructions the game gives me, I attend class, I join an extracurricular, I attend my extracurricular, I do my homework. I really struggle to understand what I’m doing to get expelled, and it’s very frustrating. In every game so far I’ve been expelled. I really don’t know if I’m doing something wrong, or if there is a glitch in the game.

    Developer Response

    Hi PrettySomething, we suspect what you haven't done is Choose Subjects. You need to have chosen subjects in order to qualify for tertiary education so that's why your play people keep getting expelled. Choosing subjects early on in secondary school should solve the problem. Hope that helps. Thanks for playing Play This Life!
  • Love this game but…

    I love this game, all the options it has, the style of it, and most of the gameplay, but I have been getting frustrated as I never know how many times I can press something before I age up. I get that it’s part of gameplay so at least maybe could there be a counter somewhere that lets me know how many actions I can complete? (for example, ‘you have 4 actions left’ and it decreases as you do an action such as ‘attend classes’ but not for actions such as ‘do school’ as that isn’t a final one).

    Alternatively, an age up button would be more fun to play and more convenient. I also saw someone else say that for legacy edition we should get more time anyway before aging up, which I thought was a good idea, (I feel like the benefits aren’t as much compared to the other game, but I understand you cannot make unlimited changes!)

    Thanks so much and good job on the game! With some potential improvements it could become my favorite mobile game <3

    Developer Response

    Hi evaishot, thanks for playing Play This Life and for all that support! To know how much time you have left in a year, check out the clock on the upper right of the screen. When it hits 12, the year will be over. We've also since added more differences in recent updates. Hope that helps!
  • Please read!!

    This game is absolutely amazing, The potential this game has is incredible. The only thing is I find almost every life hard to live in. To start off the first generation you either are born poor or dirt poor; I never can seem to be born rich or average, other than that the game is amazing.

    Developer Response

    Hi Arethatoxinity, thanks for playing Play This Life! The odds of being rich or poor at the start of the game are randomised based on real world odds but maybe you could try improving the fate of your descendants across multiple generations? Thank you for your support! 😍

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