Memorrha Mobile Achievements

Memorrha Mobile
Memorrha Mobile
StickyStoneStudio GmbH
Total achievements: 56
Crystal Clear
Crystal Clear
Open the first gate and start your adventure
Diligent Student
Diligent Student
Solve all puzzles and scan all three pictograms in the starting area
Methodical Thinker
Methodical Thinker
Gather all stone plates in the grasslands and open the gateway to the jungle
Perceptive Observer
Perceptive Observer
Connect the pillar and open jungle gateway to the next area
Unwilling Lift Attendant
Unwilling Lift Attendant
Operate the elevator to reach the lower areas
Resolute Explorer
Resolute Explorer
Reach the temple
Promising Plateengineer
Promising Plateengineer
Solve all signal plate puzzles
Aspiring Alchemist
Aspiring Alchemist
Solve all potion puzzles
Studious Shaper
Studious Shaper
Solve all forge puzzles
Competent Crystaltician
Competent Crystaltician
Solve all crystal network puzzles
A Suspicious Fountain
A Suspicious Fountain
Open the temple fountain
Cryptic Blueprint
Cryptic Blueprint
Scan all pictograms in the synthesis chamber
A New Perspective
A New Perspective
Equip the Helm
Use a transmitter to stream yourself to a different place
Unlicensed Carting
Unlicensed Carting
Test drive a cart
Steadfast Optimist
Steadfast Optimist
Forge a new cart
Digging For Answers
Digging For Answers
Activate the Excavator
Professional Plateengineer
Professional Plateengineer
Program the cart path so it gets loaded up and arrives at the next location
Seasoned Shaper
Seasoned Shaper
Grind the crystals into smaller units and transport them to the next location
Accomplished Alchemist
Accomplished Alchemist
Process the crystals with the correct concoction
Chief Crystaltician
Chief Crystaltician
Charge each crystal batch with a different color
Rite of Passage
Rite of Passage
Open the first lock mechanism of the chamber of ascension
Illuminating Tribute
Illuminating Tribute
Open the second lock mechanism of the chamber of ascension
Choose to assimilate
Reject the chance to ascend
Relaxed Explorer
Relaxed Explorer
Step into the chamber of ascension in under 12 hours
Hasty Explorer
Hasty Explorer
Step into the chamber of ascension in under 8 hours
Sprinting Explorer
Sprinting Explorer
Step into the chamber of ascension in under 4 hours
I'm not here to explore!
I'm not here to explore!
Step into the chamber of ascension in under 2 hours
Memorrhable Views
Memorrhable Views
Discover all sights
Symbols of Knowledge
Symbols of Knowledge
Scan all plate symbols
Novice Archivist
Novice Archivist
Find and scan 10 pictograms
Hobby Archivist
Hobby Archivist
Find and scan 20 pictograms
Hardworking Historian
Hardworking Historian
Find and scan all pictograms
Amateur Platelifter
Amateur Platelifter
Pick up 10 different symbol plates
Athletic Platelifter
Athletic Platelifter
Pick up 30 different symbol plates
Plate Champion
Plate Champion
Pick up all symbol plates once
Curious Connoisseur
Curious Connoisseur
Drink 5 potions
For Science!
For Science!
Drink 15 potions
Smithing Apprentice
Smithing Apprentice
Forge 5 objects
Smithing Journeyman
Smithing Journeyman
Forge 15 objects
Stream yourself through every transmitter once
I can stop any time...
I can stop any time...
Stream yourself 25 times to a different location
Invert a blank signal plate
Flawless Mixtures
Flawless Mixtures
Solve all potion puzzles without delivering a single wrong mixture
Economical Smithing
Economical Smithing
Solve all forge puzzles without additional signal plates
Confused Roomoperator
Confused Roomoperator
Bring a filled amphora into the forge, a forged object into the crystal workshop and a charged object into the potion laboratory
Unhealthy Hoarding
Unhealthy Hoarding
Witness unexpected side effects
A Puzzling Pastime
A Puzzling Pastime
Take a puzzle break
Heir to the Librarian
Heir to the Librarian
Follow in the footsteps of the ancient librarian and create the blue helmet
Heir to the Alchemist
Heir to the Alchemist
Follow in the footsteps of the ancient alchemist and create the green helmet
Heir to the Shaper
Heir to the Shaper
Follow in the footsteps of the ancient shaper and create the red helmet
Heir to the Crystaltician
Heir to the Crystaltician
Follow in the footsteps of the ancient crystaltician and create the yellow helmet
Heir of the Engineer
Heir of the Engineer
Follow in the footsteps of the ancient engineer and create the purple helmet
Confident Trailblazer
Confident Trailblazer
Follow your own path and create the white helmet
Inquisitive Soul
Inquisitive Soul
Uncover all mysteries behind Memorrha

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