User Reviews: Super Dark Deception

Super Dark Deception
Super Dark Deception
Glowstick Entertainment, Inc.

Top reviews

  • Great game! Just minor bugs

    I can’t seem to make it to the 3rd level as the teleport ability won’t allow me to teleport across the gap leading to the portal
  • Awesome GAME but one problem pls fix 🤔

    I finished the Agatha level but can’t seem to cross the yellow part when teleporting so I can’t reach level 3 pls try to fix it I wanna complete the game but other wise the game is good so far cant wait to see chapter 2 and 3 anyways enjoy ur day afternoon and night. 😎
  • It thinks it’s a border

    I said this on twitter and the devs actually responded to my reply but I just wanted to make a review about of it bc why not? I’m extra and autistic so fight me!😤😤😤 anyways after beefing with Agatha and end up beating her level I unlocked the teleport power what ever it’s called but you know what I’m saying but after entering the portal to test it out it doesn’t want to go over the lava it just over lapse with me and when I do teleport it takes me no where literally so please fix this I actually want to play my favorite level thanks :)
  • 没人?
  • 牛逼

  • 为什么第三关门口过不去啊

  • 还行

  • First

  • Amazing game but

    I’ve have been having a blast with this game. Everything works fine except when you lose all your lives all the options say restart then that it works perfectly fine and very fun