User Reviews: SpankPls

Matija Osojnik

Top reviews

  • Glitchy at best

    I love the concept but couldn’t get the app to work. The toy database search wasn’t working and I couldn’t move past it. Even just typing one letter showed a “no results” message
  • Good idea but

    Can’t match with partner which is kinda of the whole appeal
  • I need the next update!

    You guys this is actually a pretty decent app. I have been experimenting with the solo feature and the tasks and stuff are actually pretty good. The algorithm is broken a bit but you can just skip tasks. I do wish we could adjust the timer a bit, maybe have a range of time to choose from. Other than that this is an AWESOME concept and I suggest you do at least give it a try.
  • Can’t connect to partner

    App is really cool. I can’t find my partner in the app though.
  • Excited for the future

    I just downloaded this app, and I’m impressed! I know it’s a work in progress, and I’m excited to see future updates!