User Reviews: RepScrubs

Prescient Logistics, LLC

Top reviews

  • Scam

    $139.00 to annual fee plus $8 every time you have to go to one of these facilities. Why are the reps the only ones being extorted for this? Hospital employees are far worse with wearing in scrubs from the outside yet they don’t have to partake? Saw a hospital employee from the OR taking a smoke break in the parking garage with OR scrubs and a fabric bouffant on…. If anything this should only be implemented if you’re caught walking in with hospital owned scrubs on. I’ve always changed into facility scrubs when I go places (don’t want to bring anything gross home).
    The fact that the hospital makes money of the scrub purchase also seems like a completely illegal kickback as well. Let’s also not forget that a lot of reps are 1099 employees and will not get reimbursed for these. Half the time we are dropping in to help troubleshoot, checkin, or service to ensure things are going well and now we get charged to simply help customers…. Company is disgraceful and it’s sad that they swindle hospitals into thinking these are actually beneficial.
  • Appreciate this

    Appreciate the consideration of the vendor process. This makes it much easier to use the system.
  • Rep

    I totally about the scrubs. Poorly made and costing $8 each time, not worth it. Furthermore scanning the QR code works half the time. I got a message to update app, but there’s no way to update it. Checked the home page and also the mobile app, nothing. What a ripoff
  • Too expensive and they don’t tell you your balance

    You have to go into settings and click a few buttons just to see your balance. They tell you “balance low” on the Home Screen but doesn’t tell you your balance. It seems like they just want you to keep spending when you have a few more tokens left. Should offer a membership. Maybe they do and I don’t know about it. But $8+ a day is wild
  • So expensive

    This a total ripoff, 8 $ for such a bad quality product, and worst there is no other option at Mercy Hospital, so we are obliged to keep using it and keep being ripped off
  • Worst idea ever

    This is the biggest waste of hospital funds and add zero value to patient care. The person who created this should be put in jail.
  • Bull$hit company bull$hit product

    If you’ve ever wondered why healthcare costs are soaring it’s because of leeches like this company. If this was truly about patient care surgeons and staff in the OR would wear paper disposable scrubs. The fact that we have to spend $140 just to “register,” no background check or any service provided just pay up; it is enough proof it’s just a money grab.
  • A disgrace

    160 dollars a year plus 8 bucks a pop for the most suffocating, cheaply made scrubs you could possibly ever imagine. The pockets rip within 2 minutes of having this horrendous gown on your body. This is the largest scam I have ever seen and whoever created this, should be ashamed of themselves. If you’re going to charge reps that much for scrubs, at least put a little bit of effort into creating something more comfortable and durable. Can’t get through one case without something ripping, allowing everything to easily fall out of your pockets which creates an immediate hazard in the operating room. Shame on whoever decided that this was a good idea. Disgraceful…
  • Leachers and thieves

    Scum of the earth.

    150 a year, plus 8 bucks a pop is the most asinine thing I’ve ever heard…

    The rep for this machine said that “reps make enough that we should t have to worry about it…”

    I hope the vending machine falls on him during restock.
  • Unreliable, much like the scrubs

    It was nice when it worked, making the process closer to 5 min instead of 10. Now last several weeks, the scanner won’t even load to scan the QR code. Our machine is also often out of stickers, if it’s so important for us to have our inmate # showing, we need the stickers. Not impressed with anything RepScrub related.

Alternatives to RepScrubs