Unable to enter a number. Unable to add up.
I have tried all the of ways I can think of to enter the number 123E-6 without success. The obvious key sequence of 1, 2, 3, E, 6, plusMinus leads to -123E6. The less obvious 1, 2, 3, E, -, 6 leads to nothing useful.
Also the calculator does actually seem to work. Starting from a clear calculator, enter 1, 2, 3, +, +
I would have thought that the answer would be 6. It's actually given as 7. This would imply that the calculator only have X and Y registers: no Z!
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Nice Layout and Appearance
Nicely done RPN layout. Could use a "click sound" option, and some financial calc options wouldn't hurt either. One issue is that when using fixed decimal (say 3,4, or 5), it reverts to sci/exponent view long before the available characters are used up. Kind of annoying. Fix that and its 5 stars.
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