20 minutes - Actualités

20 minutes - Actualités

by 20 Minuten

With Ads

About 20 minutes

  • Released
  • Updated
  • iOS Version
  • Age Rating
  • Size
  • Devices
  • Languages
  • February 12, 2019
  • January 19, 2025
  • 15.4+
  • 12+
  • 239.01MB
  • iPhone, iPad, iPod
  • American English
    Show more


Developer of 20 minutes

20 minutes - Actualités screenshot #1 for iPhone
20 minutes - Actualités screenshot #2 for iPhone
20 minutes - Actualités screenshot #3 for iPhone
20 minutes - Actualités screenshot #4 for iPhone
20 minutes - Actualités screenshot #5 for iPhone
20 minutes - Actualités screenshot #6 for iPhone
🖼️Get Icon

What's New in 20 minutes



January 13, 2025

Amélioration des performances et correction de bugs

Reviews of 20 minutes

Commentaires fantômes

J’aime bien. Juste dommage que lorsqu’on fait des commentaires via l’app une fois sur deux ceux-ci n’apparaissent jamais même des heures plus tard !

Alternatives to 20 minutes

More Applications by 20 Minuten


Is 20 minutes available on iPad devices?

Yes, 20 minutes is iPad-friendly.

Who launched the app?

20 Minuten built the 20 minutes app.

What is the minimum iOS version needed for 20 minutes to work?

The minimum iOS requirement for the app is 15.4 or higher.

What user rating does the app have?

The 20 minutes app has a consumer rating of 4.4 and gets a lot of positive feedback.

What genre is the 20 minutes app?

The App Category Of 20 Minutes Is News.

What is the latest version of 20 minutes?

The latest 20 minutes version released is 25.0.0.

When was the most recent 20 minutes update made available?

The latest 20 minutes update was released on January 19, 2025.

Do you know when 20 minutes was first made available?

The 20 minutes app originally came out on February 6, 2023.

What content advisory rating does 20 minutes have?

Rated 20 Minuten: May contain content unsuitable for children under the age of 12.

What are the languages supported by the 20 minutes app?

Currently, 20 minutes supports American English, Albanian, Bosnian and 8 more.

Is 20 minutes featured among Apple Arcade's game offerings?

Sorry, 20 minutes is not part of Apple Arcade.

Does 20 minutes contain in-app purchases?

Sorry, there are no in-app purchases available in 20 minutes.

Is 20 minutes designed for Apple Vision Pro integration?

Sorry, 20 minutes is not designed for integration with Apple Vision Pro.

Are there any advertisements in 20 minutes?

Yes, there are advertisements in 20 minutes.