User Reviews: Epicentral

Top reviews

  • Add this please

    This is a nice app but what it really needs is the ability to utilize the iPhone accelerometer to detect earthquakes and automatically share that data to the cloud and/or the USGS.

    Only when enough similar readings are detected from a certain region within a narrow timeframe would the data be considered legitimate and then be pushed back out to the map for all users to view.

    The app could also be active only at certain times of the day/night that the user defines. As well as only be active when connected to pre-defined wifi networks. Such as Home or work.

    Another option would be to only take accelerometer reading when it is plugged into power (such as when on your night stand or connected to a computer USB).

    The app could also use the iPhone GPS to disable sensor reading when moving. As well as only record seismic data when the app detects the iPhone is laying flat on its back.

    Another option would be to disable the seismic sensor data output when a face is detected with the front facing camera.

    Requiring the app to be running in the foreground would also further prevent false readings.

    This could easily, quickly, and cheaply create a huge network of seismographs around the world.
  • Opinion

    I've had this app for years and check it daily. However the newest upgrade version is definitely a downgrade. It's slower to load and sometimes doesn't load at all. They've tried to increase the amount of data you can retrieve but instead it makes the app less effective. Can we just have 2 options now? the Past Week OR The Past Month.
    I only need the info on the Past Week as I check it daily
  • Good mostly

    As of 9/20 the Asian coast and Europe no longer were reporting on this app. If it is fixed then this is an awesome app.
  • I can't wait for the next big earthquake

    Is that bad?
  • Great app!

    I love using this app when I know an earthquake just happened in CA so I can look it up :-)
  • Science for Non-Scientists!

    This app delivers amazing detail over the past 7 days, balanced perfectly in its user interface. The images explain it all, but no one would need an instruction manual for this. Excellent app!

    I would only add the option for more historical data, but I'm not sure if the data are even available.
  • Great Easy to Read

    Love this app, and have used it for years. I've tried several other apps but while they may give great info they present it in such a micro way that it becomes difficult to see the macro view, not so with this app. I do wish it would be updated for the iPad, x2 just does not do it.
  • Needs in app maps

    Would be 4-5 star if it had in app maps to locate each earthquake. When u want to see where quake was located it takes you to google maps app. Pretty weak. Also usgs link should be in app links just like all other quake apps.
  • Wonderful for a free app.

    Update: Needs push notification, automatic updates and a zoom enabled map. I would gladly pay for it.
  • Great app, but an update???

    I love this app, it is accurate, very fun, and self explanatory! It would be nice, however, to have a pinch/zoom function for the map portion of the page. Maybe a link to a volcanic activity app? Thanks for the site! ;-)