Maybe a tweak on the AI
They seem to get many many hands they can play at Grand.
I battle with very ordinary hands and often find nothing useful in the Skat.
I rarely have Grand level hands to play.
When I do have a hand I’d like to play, the AI as often as not will bid sky-high so I can’t play it.
The only way I’ve found to even out the scores is to play schieber ramsch, where every so often I can catch them with a large negative score to bring them back to my level.
I really don’t think this is a matter of my skill - I play a lot of cards online, inc Skat, and I go ok.
I think this app would be perfect if the ‘luck’ of the AI hands was just pared back to reasonable, realistic levels.
I don’t think I as the ‘live’ player is getting the same spread of decent hands. I don’t think it’s close either.
Response from developer
The distribution of the cards is purely random for all players. Here: we have compiled information on this (in German). Have fun with Skat and gut Blatt!