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All Versions of 地藏經


December 6, 2016

This app has been updated by Apple to display the Apple Watch app icon. Support iOS 10


June 30, 2010

support iOS 4


June 14, 2009

compatible with iPhone OS 3.0


April 15, 2009

Price History of 地藏經

Description of 地藏經

Sutra of The Great Vows of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva 地藏菩薩本願經 地藏經 《地藏菩薩本願經》,又稱《地藏本願經》、《地藏本行經》、《地藏本誓力經》,簡稱《地藏經》,題為唐朝實叉難陀所譯,是釋迦牟尼佛稱揚贊嘆地藏菩薩「地獄未空誓不成佛,眾生度盡方證菩提」之宏大願望的經典。經中記載了釋迦牟尼佛在忉利天宮,為母親摩耶夫人說法。 佛在經中讚揚了地藏菩薩為度眾生「久遠劫來發弘誓願」的非凡之舉,並介紹了地藏菩薩在因地修行過程中的事迹。 本書分為繁體和簡體中文。 《地藏菩萨本愿经》,又称《地藏本愿经》、《地藏本行经》、《地藏本誓力经》,简称《地藏经》,题为唐朝实叉难陀所译,是释迦牟尼佛称扬赞叹地藏菩萨「地狱未空誓不成佛,众生度尽方证菩提」之宏大愿望的经典。经中记载了释迦牟尼佛在忉利天宫,为母亲摩耶夫人说法。 佛在经中赞扬了地藏菩萨为度众生「久远劫来发弘誓愿」的非凡之举,并介绍了地藏菩萨在因地修行过程中的事迹。 本书分为繁体和简体中文。 特色: - 橫向 或 垂直 檢視 - 繁體 或 簡體中文 - 自動回到上次閱讀之處 - 可無限加入書簽,方便即時閱讀 - 自動記錄最近20個閱讀之處 - 特別設有上下篇按扭 - 特別設有滑動桿(Slide Bar)方便移到特定位置 特色: -横向或垂直检视 -繁体或简体中文 -自动回到上次阅读之处 -可无限加入书签,方便即时阅读 -自动记录最近20个阅读之处 -特别设有上下篇按扭 -特别设有滑动杆(Slide Bar)方便移到特定位置
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地藏經: FAQ

Is 地藏經 iPad-friendly?

Yes, 地藏經 is iPad-friendly.
The 地藏經 app was released by Kai Yan Yuen.
Your iOS device must have at least iOS 10.1 installed to use the app.
The 地藏經 app has a consumer rating of 4.5 and gets a lot of positive feedback.
The App Category Of 地藏經 Is Books.
The latest version of 地藏經 is 8.0.
The latest 地藏經 update was released on June 28, 2024.
The 地藏經 app originally came out on October 1, 2023.
{{ name}} doesn’t contain potentially objectionable material and is rated Kai Yan Yuen.
Currently, 地藏經 supports Chinese.
No, 地藏經 is not on Apple Arcade.
No, 地藏經 does not support in-app purchases.
Sorry, 地藏經 is not designed for integration with Apple Vision Pro.

Screenshots of 地藏經


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