For the serious student of the Maya Calendar Round & Long Count
There is a wealth of detailed information about The Maya Calendar Round and The Long Count on the Explorer Tab of the iPhone's Maya 3D App.
Note: Anytime “NOW” is clicked, Today's Gredorian Date will be displayed along with all the other fields in the Explorer Tab. Starting from the top:
(1) The displayed Gregorian Date
(2) The displayed Julian Day that can be edited to show any other Julian Day (All fields are updated)
(3) The displayed Long Count Date that can be edited to show any other Long Count Date. Right below the Long Count Date is its numerical value. Its Label is titled “Kin”. (All fields are updated)
(4) The displayed daily Numerical (0 to 19) and Name settings for the Haab Month. Next to its Name, in parenthesis, is the Haab Name’s Position in its Cyclic Order. Right below its Name is shown the current Day of the 365 Year’s Haab Calendar. Its Label is titled “Kin”.
(5) The displayed daily Numerical (1 to 20) and Name settings for the Tzolkin Day. Next to its Name, in parenthesis, is the Tzolkin Name’s Position in its Cyclic Order. Right below its Name is shown the current Day of the 260 Year’s Tzolkin Calendar. Its Label is titled “Kin”.
(6) The displayed Calendar Round's Repetition Cycle since the Maya Calendar’s beginning (each complete Cycle is 18,980 days). Right next to that it shows how many Days have elapsed since the beginning of the current Cycle. Its Label is titled “Kin”. (Currently we are in the 98th Calendar Round's Repetition Cycle which began on April 2, 2013, Long Count Date
(7) The display shows that the first Day of each Calendar Round's Repetition Cycle has the Calendar Round Name and Number as Haab 0 Pop & Tzolkin 2 lk
Note: Anytime “NOW” is clicked, Today's Gredorian Date will be displayed along with all the other fields in the Explorer Tab. Starting from the top:
(1) The displayed Gregorian Date
(2) The displayed Julian Day that can be edited to show any other Julian Day (All fields are updated)
(3) The displayed Long Count Date that can be edited to show any other Long Count Date. Right below the Long Count Date is its numerical value. Its Label is titled “Kin”. (All fields are updated)
(4) The displayed daily Numerical (0 to 19) and Name settings for the Haab Month. Next to its Name, in parenthesis, is the Haab Name’s Position in its Cyclic Order. Right below its Name is shown the current Day of the 365 Year’s Haab Calendar. Its Label is titled “Kin”.
(5) The displayed daily Numerical (1 to 20) and Name settings for the Tzolkin Day. Next to its Name, in parenthesis, is the Tzolkin Name’s Position in its Cyclic Order. Right below its Name is shown the current Day of the 260 Year’s Tzolkin Calendar. Its Label is titled “Kin”.
(6) The displayed Calendar Round's Repetition Cycle since the Maya Calendar’s beginning (each complete Cycle is 18,980 days). Right next to that it shows how many Days have elapsed since the beginning of the current Cycle. Its Label is titled “Kin”. (Currently we are in the 98th Calendar Round's Repetition Cycle which began on April 2, 2013, Long Count Date
(7) The display shows that the first Day of each Calendar Round's Repetition Cycle has the Calendar Round Name and Number as Haab 0 Pop & Tzolkin 2 lk
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For the serious student of The Maya Calendar Round
There is a wealth of detailed information about The Maya Calendar Round and The Long Count on the Explorer tab that no other app has been able to match. For example this tab shows:
1. The current Julian Day (that can be edited to show another Gregorian Date)
2. The current Long Count Date (that can be edited to show another Gregorian Date)
3. The current daily setting for the Haab month and Tzolkin day, as well as the numerical positions on each list (Haab positions from 0 to 19, Tzolkin positions from 1 to 20)
4. The current complete repetition cycle since the Maya calendar’s beginning (each complete cycle of 18,980 days). Currently we are in the 98th Cycle which began on April 2, 2023 Long Count:
5. The 99th Cycle will begin on March 20, 2065. Long Count
6. It shows that the beginning of each Cycle has Calendar Round positions of Haab 0 Pop & Tzolkin 2 lk
7. It shows the number of elapsed days in the current Cycle.
1. The current Julian Day (that can be edited to show another Gregorian Date)
2. The current Long Count Date (that can be edited to show another Gregorian Date)
3. The current daily setting for the Haab month and Tzolkin day, as well as the numerical positions on each list (Haab positions from 0 to 19, Tzolkin positions from 1 to 20)
4. The current complete repetition cycle since the Maya calendar’s beginning (each complete cycle of 18,980 days). Currently we are in the 98th Cycle which began on April 2, 2023 Long Count:
5. The 99th Cycle will begin on March 20, 2065. Long Count
6. It shows that the beginning of each Cycle has Calendar Round positions of Haab 0 Pop & Tzolkin 2 lk
7. It shows the number of elapsed days in the current Cycle.
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An amazing app!
After I searched the Internet successfully on how to create a paper Maya Calendar Round, I wanted an app that consolidated my further research in one place. This app did that and even more.
The app opens with a 3D view gear wheels within wheels: A 3D view of the Maya Calendar Round.
Not only can I get the Haab and Tzolkin dates for my paper Calendar Round on the Explorer page, but so much more information is available there and elsewhere.
Under the settings, i can see regular numerals or Maya numerals.
On the Explorer page, I can view “Kin” (Days) for:
The Long Count: Days elapsed from creation
Haab: Days elapsed in the current Solar 365 Day Year
Tzolkin: Days elapsed in the current Sacred 260 Day Year
The Moon with its phase for the displayed date is shown.
The search icon is everywhere which leads to explanatory pages for various subjects.
At the bottom of the app, there is a horizontal scroll bar. Scroll left for previous dates & scroll right for future dates from the current date.
There is a Glyphs page for any date that can be downloaded and/or emailed.
There is an Oracle page for those who enjoy this subject.
On top of all of the above, the app is totally free and without any ads! No other app comes close!
The app opens with a 3D view gear wheels within wheels: A 3D view of the Maya Calendar Round.
Not only can I get the Haab and Tzolkin dates for my paper Calendar Round on the Explorer page, but so much more information is available there and elsewhere.
Under the settings, i can see regular numerals or Maya numerals.
On the Explorer page, I can view “Kin” (Days) for:
The Long Count: Days elapsed from creation
Haab: Days elapsed in the current Solar 365 Day Year
Tzolkin: Days elapsed in the current Sacred 260 Day Year
The Moon with its phase for the displayed date is shown.
The search icon is everywhere which leads to explanatory pages for various subjects.
At the bottom of the app, there is a horizontal scroll bar. Scroll left for previous dates & scroll right for future dates from the current date.
There is a Glyphs page for any date that can be downloaded and/or emailed.
There is an Oracle page for those who enjoy this subject.
On top of all of the above, the app is totally free and without any ads! No other app comes close!
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This is not worth downloading this app I feel like I am restricted doing things and this was a waste of space this app is not good at all so don't get the app
Precise, very good reference.
It works great and I have enjoyed it. Has plenty of reference included and the glyph sets are very precise.
It has a problem with a couple of labels that are superimposed on the explorer window and are almost impossible to read, they say Explorer and NOW one over the other. This is the same as in the other similar app.
It has also stopped working, it freezes when sharing or at some other seemly random situations. Iphone 12 pro max.
It has a problem with a couple of labels that are superimposed on the explorer window and are almost impossible to read, they say Explorer and NOW one over the other. This is the same as in the other similar app.
It has also stopped working, it freezes when sharing or at some other seemly random situations. Iphone 12 pro max.
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How do I use this app
Love this. Great animation and awesome depth.
This is an amazing app. The amount of detail is astonishing. I am so impressed on the moon phases under the Explorer tab and the Oracle tab. I type the birthdays of me and my family’s and it’s so-spot-on that it’s actually scary. Great job!!!
Love it
I'm checking oracle every day!
Essential maya app
I use this all the time. It's perfect.. I would only ask to do long count dates beyond the next piktun, and if possible pre creation dates would be handy also..thanks. 8ix