User Reviews: FallDown!

Top reviews

  • Good game

    This game is awesome except for one thing; the question marks with โ€œ+5โ€ never affect the point total!
  • Fall down

    I like this game it's fun to play with other people ๐Ÿ˜‹๐Ÿ˜‹
  • Touch controls are broken

    When you switch what finger is holding the screen while your ball is in midair The ball doesn't switch which way it is moving and you have to re tap the screen which takes way to long so you usually die. It is super annoying and not fun but if you fix it I will rate better.
  • Way better than it's sequels

    Seriously, if you make a fourth, model it mostly off this game
  • Update was fixed. Now it's just as much fun as ever! Love the game!

    I've been playing Falldown for six months on my first generation iPhone, just trying to make the world wide top 1000 games list. So far I've never made it, but I am getting close. Maybe with my new iPhone4 I will be able to make it. I love this game for its simplicity and addictive potential!
    On the iphone5 it's a bit harder. Only made it to the red once. My high on iPhone 5 is 356. I do better on my old phone. The game could be improved to reward skill more if you leave less to chance and getting the blues.
  • This game is great

    This is great for impatient people at just can't stop playing till the very end and each level gets faster and faster each and every level it is just so awesome I lobe it ahhhhhh๎Œซ๎Œจ๎Œญ๎Œช๎Œฌ you will like it but if you are 2 impatient this is probably not your game but I recommend it to probably anyone I have an I pad but it still the same deal....... It's fun lol๎„…๎‰ anyways this is probably going to be a very very.... Fun game for you and your friends ๎™ ๎„do u like my smile? Hahaha.... Oh and you have to get a certain amount of points to get a new ball I have the smiley face ๎–๎– and this is quiet the work out ๎…Œ๎ง well ima stop now !๎‡๎‡
  • Ok, now I'm confused...

    Ok, so now I'm wondering what the purpose of the question mark balls is? Because no matter how many +5's and blue pause balls you get, you ALWAYS cross over to the purple around 75pts, into the blue around 145pts, and into the yellow around 211pts. So before I was like, "oh sweet! I just got four +5's, my score is gonna rock!" but no... Apparently their only purpose is to help you end the game sooner, or something.

    If you wanted a cool update, maybe try adding new bonus balls. Like one that let's you pass through solid floors, or one that let's you hop so you can jump over to other platforms.

    This used to be a wonderful game!! I really wish you would reverse the crappy update and strive for something better. Seriously.

    Previous review from May:

    This was the best game everrrr until the stupid update. Did it get bigger or something? And it feels like the gaps got wider so you can't get the yellow bonus balls that are near an edge. And I miss the sparkle tail with the speed ball! Please change it back. This update is ridiculously terrible. Very disappointed :(
  • Good and Done

    I've had the game for two years and has always been my favorite up until now. It makes me want to scream and never touch my iPod, as if it is a filthy thing, again. This game used to be the first on my list for recommendations, and it will be still, but for never getting it or deleting it. They ruined it, and it's crap. I'm never playing again until they fix the problem they've caused. It's an error they could've avoided. It's zoomed in too much and your unable to focus, they changed how you get your score, and turned it inti box mania leaving behind the signs of how you know you're going faster or if you've gotten a boost on your score. I suggest no one plays or buys this game as of now. I would give zero stars, but it will not let me, sad. I should also mention they addresses which we all hate.
  • Fun at first...

    The app is fun at first until you start to figure out the game has little to do with skill and more to do with luck. You'll only get so far without a generous series of openings or string of optimally placed clock stoppers that are usually placed in areas that cannot be reached, combined with the physics of the ball that just won't allow you to move fast enough to keep up on a randomly generated course that typically has you rolling to the farthest side of the screen line after line until it's moving so fast that it becomes impossible to keep moving down the course before you get trapped. Like I said, it's fun at first... then outright irritating to try to get higher scores because you'll see the fastest point between points A and B aren't fast enough no matter how fast (or psychic) you are and the "high score" is more a gift of chance than a measure of skill which defeats the purpose of playing the game in the first place.

    My suggestion is to find a way put a difficult but winnable course in every game, not a course that is impossible to beat so that the score has merit.
  • Sometimes the simplest games are the most fun

    This is one of the best games out there, free or otherwise. It's simple, but doesn't get boring. If you only have a couple minutes to kill, you can still play a round or two. Also, the tilt control responds better than a lot of games I've played.

    Any suggested improvements would only be minor; I suppose some people would like music or something. But hey, it's free! There's nothing to lose by downloading it, and I bet that it'll stick around once you get it.

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