please update!
Please update to ios8. need to view my camera. Is there another app that works? thanks
Is this app getting an update won't work since updating to iOS 8?
Same problem as others since update, major headache. Crashing as soon as I connect. Need this corrected please..
Does not work with ios8
Please update for ios8!!!!
Pitiful - This and 8 other RAS apps - all broken. Congrats Apple - you now are performing like Microsoft
No iOS 8 support
Crashes when you choose to view cameras in iOS 8 on iPhone 5. On iPad mini it lets you view the cam but will crash when you want to search recorded video. Please update!
Update please!!!
Please update for ios8 !!!
Ios8 issues
Great app over the years - works ok on my iPad when upgraded to iOS8 but crashes on my6+ iPhone
IOS8 update urgently needed
Great app but it won't work on my iPhone 5s since I updated to ios8.
Ios8 issue
This app doesn't work with ios8 upgrade on iPhone 5 Please fix