Couldn't have said it better myself than the guy below. But it also constantly crashes. And I can't even edit stop loss and limit prices when I have no trouble from the real web site. Please fix asap!
Not enough.
It's a necessary application because iPhone does not support flash and can't view the flash website on it, however, there needs to be a major upgrade for this app. Sometimes the positions do not show up, giving you a heart attack. The refresh buttons have no visibility, you should be able to view each position performance. The balance shows the actual balance, not the real equity like in the website. It should be able to show alert messages, like warning you of failed connection with server or being unable to open lot. It's a great first look application, but it has too many shortcomings. There is no reason not to have a top notch tool. Zulutrade should do better.
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Looks like a great iPhone application. The same web site allows sorting, but this side of Zulu functions well and is portable. Some paper work is necessary to set up with broker, as a Zulu account needs a pacific account link. If you trade well or with a bot, the forex population can follow or trade with you, thus earning pip value for all trades placed with you. This can significantly lead to larger profits as you prove youself.
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