User Reviews: StickBo

Lake Effect Applications, LLC

Top reviews

  • Fun an lengthy

    Not only is this game incredibley fun addicting and just overall awesome, it isn't one of those adventure games that you can whip through in 5 mins. You have to work hard to complete each level and it is very entertaining!
  • Boring

    This would have been a boring game even back on the Atari 2600 in 1985. I can't believe a programmer could stay awake long enough to make such a boring game. It is too easy, too repetitive, unpleasant to look at, overly simplistic, and annoying to listen too. There is no reason for this game to have ever been created. I wish I could get the 10 minutes back I spent playing it. I am deleting it and regret that the hard drive on my iPhone was tainted with it's existence. Good name though.
  • Awsome

    So much fun. But you should make gun attachments (grenade launchers), you should be able to set the amount of health your guy has, and you should make a store were your guy can buy guns and he gets money by getting kills. Example- he kills 13 guys on a level he gets $50 per kills so he has $650 and the guns are like $3000 or more depending on what kind of gun. Make that stuff in your update. Anyway it's a really fun game
  • The best app ever!!!!!

    This is the most fun app ever!! You have to buy it!! The full version is absolutely worth the two dollars.

    Get it. Just plain old get it. The new version is fun how you can change the difficulty, but I didn't like the new way you fire. Then I foun out that you can CHANGE IT! It is sooo cool!

    Now I wish I didn't get this. I shouldve gotten the pro version instead. Well, when I do get it, I want you to add some things. It needs online multiplayer . That would be the coolest thing ever. You should be able to play against CPUs or against other people. When playing against CPUs, it should be on hardcore mode and if someone dies, you have to go revive them. Also, you should be able to jump over the little barriers. Do that and I will buy the full version. (P.S. I'm the person that emailed you guys about how to make an app. Remember? :)
  • Ok game but...

    At first it's addicting but then it seems to get to be the same old stuff. The only thing I don't like is that when I wrote my first review they ignored most of it and then made it so you have to pay for my best idea so now I can't get it because I don't have enough in my account

    Hey, I hope you guys read this. I really liked the original controls, could you please put an option for old or new controls please? I think the new controls are good, but I like the older ones better. Could you please add this?

    Thanks so much!!! 

    I still love this app!!!
  • Awesome but

    I feel like it gets old after awhile it's still frigging awesome but if it had score boards on kills so that people don't run around the guards with there flame throwers... And a survival mode where they attack u and all you have is a few sandbags... And maybe a defend the castle version where you buld the defences and they attack... And one last thing you guys already nailed the awesome flamethrower but how about a zombie mode?
  • Worth the money!

    I didn't play this much right after I installed it, but now, getting a good chance to sit down and try it out, I was really amazed at how such a simple game can become so addictive and fun. It's nice to play something that's easy to control, yet is still challenging enough for even a hardcore gamer. Thank you Dev team for this butt-kickin' game. I've completed the free version, and I'm now looking forward to the full version.
  • Awesome

    Definitely a good game of mindless fun. The full version's definitely not worth the money, bit still a food app nevertheless.

    I had written the above review about 2 weeks ago. Man, the new controls are FINE! Definitely hitting it good with the update. An absolute buy for anyone who enjoys mindless fun!
  • Super Addictive!

    This game is by far one of the best action sidecrollomg shooters ever. The fame play is harrowing, fast-paced, and engaging. Making quick decisions and rampaging with WMD's are all part of the fun. The higher level u get the more difficult and destructive thing get. There are some flaws though. The aiming is very finnicky. Since a key point is to hide behind a bunker while you get a bead in the enemy, aiming is very important. But it is very laggy and when you finnaly get lined up, it snaps off aim. Some suggestions I would give for updates: bigger enemy selection, addition of vehichles, a rocket launcher would be nice as a weapon. More themes and better obasticles and defenses. Still this is the best side scroer for itouch yet!

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