Army Survival Skills User Reviews

Top reviews

Great Application But…

I Love this app don’t get me wrong but there are some spelling errors
And incorrect info like for example the wild grape vine does live in West Virginia so as chinaberry

Medicine heart attack stroke

I’d like to see content on heart attacks and strokes added into the medical area due to the sudden increase in deaths related to the Covid 19 vaccine.

Excellent Survival App

I have several survival apps in my collection. This app gets into more subjects more than the others.


great app with tons of life saving and survival information. As a former 5th Special Forces Operator in Viet Nam, this app is more than sufficient for any novice on lightly trained hunter, hiker, explorer or anyone that may be lost or chased.


Very good with details many survival books leave out.

Helpful, easy to understand

Information is presented in a simple easy to understand format, and is applicable for survival and for those who would like to expand their back country bushcraft.

Awesome Guide

Gives you step by step instructions

Chock full of info

It's the US Army guide--huge file, lots of info in all different areas and environments.

Potential For Many Uses

Great App and has many potential uses: healthy living suggestions, weight loss (metabolic information--calorie use by activity, water need), disaster survival planning (food requirements).

Great survival tool

Great app, very useful information. What I like is it's loaded on phone, don't need a signal. Pictures are color and helpful.

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