User Reviews: Giana Sisters

Top reviews

  • LOVE the game, new version 1.0.2 crashes though!

    OK, so i absolutely LOVE this game..... it reminds me of playing Mario back in the day.... the only problem is since I downloaded the update, it crashes - a lot. I had no problems before the update. I am halfway through the game, and would like to finish out all the levels. Please fix! I've turned my phone off and back on again and it didn't solve the problem - after a fix it's definitely a 5 star app!
  • Poor controls and level design hold this one back

    I thiught an update would help, but the small controls ruin the experience. Did they actually play the game. I miss a ground pound and wall jump. I also don't like level difficulty controlled by making jumping nearly impossible. By this I mean a low ceiling and your player hits the head and falls to your death. A game mechanic should make it harder not poor level design.

    I wanted to like this game and played it for hours, but you should skip it.
  • Nice Job

    This game is very fun to play. It is simple but still offers quite a bit of content. If you like platformers this is one of the best.
  • Good, not great

    Are there supposed to be sound effects as well as music? I can't hear any, and can't find a toggle switch to turn 'em on. The lack of SFX really takes away from the immersion in the game. The music, but the way, is kinda awful, but you can use your own playlists instead. Also, the frame rate is sucking huge on my 3G.
  • not the best iPhone platform game

    Controls need some help, and some of the sound effects need cleaning up, but my biggest complaint is load times! If i'm going to wait several seconds it should be for the game to start, not ANOTHER splash screen. There needs to be a way to turn off the info splash screen between levels.
  • Great Old School Fun

    This game is really fun. I usually get bored with this genre of games but this one has held my interest. Perhaps that's because it's the most Mario-esq platformer available on the iPhone. I'd def recommend this game to others!
  • Freezes a lot

    It freezes a lot and the controls do not always register when you touch them. Other than that, great game.

    I bought this on the recommendation here & I don't regret it. There are some small bugs, it does freeze in certain areas but it does a good job of saving too. Worth the 2.99 for it 
  • From your newest Giana fan :)

    I want to thank you for recruiting me into the Cult of Giana. :) I've only gotten to the 8th level of the iPhone version and the 3rd level of the original C64 version but I'm already in love with this. :) Now I just need to get a Nintendo DS and to import the DS version into the US at three times the regular cost and my newest obsession will be complete. :) Everyone who likes platformers should get this; you won't regret it!
  • Fun and simple

    I bought this blindly having never heard of it before, and I must say it was well worth the price. It's similar to Mario but unique enough to feel like a fresh experience. It does get laggy from time to time, but other than that it works good enough. I'd recommend it to anyone who enjoys side scrolling platformers.

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