Kik Messaging & Chat App User Reviews

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  • I used to use the app a lot..

    I’ve been on the app a long time. I’ve been on PRE video chat and ect. I never had so many problems until the more recent updates. Such as when they removed video chat and pretty much replaced it with ads. If you want more people on the app, remove the ads. They’re getting annoying. Make the video chat come back, maybe even a voice chat setting. There are also a few other things I would suggest. Like making the app strictly for 18+. There are a lot of minors being taken advantage of in these 15-35 group chats, ect. It’s disgusting and quite frankly the app pushed me away to Discord and other apps that do the same thing but better. The app needs to either give up the little string they have holding on or try to revamp the app. I’m done with the lagging out and the app force closing itself out. Chats crash your phone and don’t ask about seeing updated profile pics or names. You’re asking too much. Smh.
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  • Fantastic but could use some work

    Ive had my kik account for over 6 and a half years. I remember a time when everything worked and it was fantastic, and it still is but its not the same anymore. as far as issues currently in the app there are times when kik triggers a notification even though none of my unmuted chats had a message, and most of all there are times where kik simply doesn’t update chats, it will act as if there has been no update to a chat since say 7:33 pm the day before when that specific chat has a reliable history of being active, especially in the in the hours since and its not just that chat, it does the same thing for all my chats. Closing the app entirely and even shutting off my phone doesn’t fix it and theres been more numerous occasions where i had to actually delete the app and redownload it and doing so resets all the chat history. Ive had a lot of good times and the app still seems to be going strong despite same sizable hiccups in the past but these current issues have ended up pushing me away towards discord and frankly, the format and mechanics kik has for joining new chats is incredible streamlined and is one of the main reasons i stay. I really hope the dev team can manage to fix these issues, id hate to see such a fantastic app go down the drain
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  • Please and thank you

    Hey kik team I have some things that’ll make kik a lot better than it already is.

    Allow people who use kik to add a story like off Instagram and Facebook. Allow kik to have a timeline like Facebook and Instagram. Allow kik to have a page where photos are located on and show how many followers they have and how many people they follow. Allow kik to have video call and audio call like Instagram and Facebook. Allow kik to show the number of messages they have unread like Instagram and Facebook. Allow kik to have message requests and private accounts just like Instagram and Facebook. Allow kik to go live just like Facebook and Instagram. Allow kik to turn on private accounts. Allow kik to make comments just like Facebook and Instagram. Allow kik to have a business account like Instagram. Allow kik to save videos or pictures that others post on their timeline or story like Instagram and Facebook. Allow kik to have a close friends list like Instagram.
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  • We Don’t Want Ads!!

    Recently had an update for Kik that allows other companies to advertise whatever they want on here. Usually I’m okay with this in some form as long as I get to close out the ad and not have it in my face 24/7. Now I have exactly that.. a banner ad hanging over the top of my chat whenever I try to message someone. I think this would be less of a problem if it wasn’t blocking a part of my conversation, but I’m honestly considering leaving Kik for good if they don’t fix this. I completely understand that they need to make money, but there’s other ways to do that. They added the ability to customize your chat room themes. I don’t know why they didn’t just monetize this with a little micro-transaction system. I would have gladly thrown in a couple dollars to help support their app if they had chose this path. Instead, we are stuck with ads hovering over our conversations. Don’t settle for this! Let our voices be heard! Remove these ads or we walk away!

    Until they change this to some degree I will leave my review as a 1 Star
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  • Update Nov 24th 2019

    I’ve used Kik for over two years now. Yes, the video chat option is now gone yet that hasn’t improved performance. Kik fails to get new message alerts to my locked screen. Even while in the app there are issues. I will get the alert sound or vibration if my phone is silenced that I have a new message yet nothing shows up in the chat I’m in and when I go back to my list of current chats there isn’t a new message there either. I have to leave Kik, close the app entirely and restart it to get the new message to show up. This delay is even noticeable when the alert that someone is typing goes up on the top of the screen yet the messages you just sent them stay on D for delivered instead of changing to R for read even after you receive a new message in the same chat! I’ve restarted my iPhone several times with no improvement in the app’s performance.

    There are now ads on every screen in the app so maybe so much priority is being given to their refresh rate that only the barest crumbs of the app’s ability are left for my messaging functions. I’m actively seeking a replacement platform which saddens me as I was so excited to hear that Kik would be staying.
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  • Don’t like the ads, bring back the games instead

    I’ve been on kik for literal years. I chat with my friends pretty regularly and I’m apart of many groups. I took a break from it however to focus on my schoolwork and when I came back, there were ads? It looks distasteful and completely distracts from the themes set up in the groups (why would you even put them in group chats??) and it’s annoying. There’s plenty of other ways you can earn money with ads that...aren’t by blatantly shoving them in consumers’ faces.

    In fact, that’s the quickest way to lose consumers! What happened to all the games and such? And the kik points? I frankly loved that update but you’ve gotten rid of it!

    How about implementing the games and the kik points and using those as marketing for ads and such so that everyone is happy.

    I actually don’t even want to use this app until the ad banners are gone because it’s so ugly and obnoxious. It sounds harsh and I’m sorry but there were literally other ways you could’ve gone about this. I used to play the games a lot and I didn’t even care about the ads I got in those because the games were fun while waiting on replies.

    Please fix it, I don’t want to stop communicating with my friends (because kik is some of their only means of communication) but I’m going to have to find other ways apparently because this is just...terrible.
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  • Love it (but I don’t like the new updates)

    Ok so I’ve had Kik since 2 years back, it was awesome and worked amazing at that time. So I got a new phone and forgot about it and probably half a year later I got it again, it was great when I opened the app. It worked perfectly and I didn’t have any problems. So as time gone by I noticed a few bugs, example: I own a group so I’m the owner, sometimes when I open the app and a bot joins I try to remove it but it doesn’t give me the option so when I view the members, there’s two of me. The one that’s owner and the one that’s a member. So I ask the members if they see two of me in the members and they say no. I tried closing the app and reopening it but it never works so I just wait it out and let my admins do it for me. The update that I hated is when someone leaves a group chat, you can’t private message them. That update annoyed me a lot because I made some friends in some chats but they left but I can never get in touch with them unless I had them in my contacts which I do not. I’m only see that the bugs happen in the group chats. Also, the ads update, or what I think is a update is really annoying also because it really messed up al the chats I was in. I really hope they fix them because I love this app!
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  • Its ok but...

    I like this app I’ve been a member for going on five years so I’ve definitely seen changes with the original developers compared to the current version. I understand the need for ads in order to pay for the app as it’s free however your website claimed they wouldn’t be intrusive i beg to differ as they appear inside of chats as ad banners this isn’t a good way to add apps into an app and it makes me want to uninstall it, however as i have friends on here I won’t. Instead I’m offering a different type of way to have ads a way that kik used to do ads. There used to be kik points which allowed you to get different emojis, and stickers. You earned these through both games and video ads which the user chose to watch or see. What if you did a system like this again? And have emojis, stickers, and custom themes we could get with points. It would be a great non intrusive way to include ads to keep the app running and add some more fun back into the app! Hope this review helps!
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  • Why adds

    Honestly I’ve been using kik since it’s released date I’ve been through it all supporting kik and using it as my main source of messaging and connecting with other people and friends but I simply cannot understand why in the world do you need adds it now feels like a last ditch to support the app for longer and it feels like you guys have given up on the app a lot of people have come to love please guys change it back to how it use to be with no adds the app is much better without them and people will start leaving if it’s not changed I remember a time that we were able to play games in the app itself and a time were it was fun to use this app but the adds simply just kill the app entirely and is just not a good thing for the longevity of the app please I strongly suggest that this add be removed you guys can implement so many great things in that app that can get more people to get the app and communicate with others in the app itself please I really don’t want this app to just die overtime I hope you guys evaluate my review and make the needed changes
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  • App is falling apart

    The app used to be very versatile and active but with the shutting down rumor many groups have members that no longer use the app even owners. Is there a plan for an an update to make it so users can take a group back if the owner is no longer around? Like after a certain time period the most active member in the group is promoted to owner if the owner has been gone and no admins are available to inherit the ownership. Also with the ban cap. Many people tire of having to manually remove bans so that they can ban toxic members. Could we get an update where when a new member is banned after the cap. The longest ban would be lifted as the banned member most likely won’t be back after that time. We also would like a feature to hand over ownership without having to leave a group. Some people just want to pass on that torch and be another member for a while. Oh. And groups would automatically be deleted if all members exceed 3 months of inactivity?

    One last one. I highly recommend that the role play bot come back with a block feature that’s accessible. Even if the bot was misused. It was an excellent opportunity for role players to share their ideas and connect with people that had the same style. I loved the format personally of the old bot. Even just bringing that back would make my day.
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