Game changes
A few things that I wish for you guys to update in the game to increase user enjoyment.
1- have all towers attack automatically always attack the most advanced ship, rather than getting stuck on a ship and letting the more advanced ships go past. Towers to redirect their fire to the most advanced ship within range.
2- have a fast forward button, for when a ship is moving extremely slow after being attacked by the blue tower. A fast forward button will help cut own waiting time.
3- have more upgrades for towers, rather than only two upgrades. As space becomes limited it would be good to have more improvement to existing towers rather than having to buy more towers is less strategic positions.
4- selling of towers, to be the refund price equal to the purchase price so we don’t lose any coins when we accidentally put a tower in the wrong position to where we want to put it
5- and finally, maybe have some bonuses or start with extra coins
Thank you. And I hope to see some of my recommended changes taken on board