User Reviews: Chop Chop Runner

Top reviews

  • Not as simple as it looks...

    The goal of this game is to keep the ninja running and to avoid getting hit by obstacles/samurais. The good news(Or is it?), is that the ninja runs automatically. The bad news(Or is it?), is that you have to jump manually. BUT, is it simple? No siree/ma'am! You have to time those jumps and keep the ninja running as far as possible. After you pass 1000 m, the game goes crazy with the amount of enemies that are trying to kill the ninja. Good thing you can attack them by tapping the iDevice's screen two times in a row! Btw, they die with one hit. It ain't that simple, eh? Well that's the fun of it! I recommend you buy it. It's great at all of these things.

    A: A great time passer.
    B: An entertaining game.
    C: Very responsive controls.
    D: The game is CHOP CHOP!!!

    Overall, I give it a 5/5
    DO IT! BUY IT!!
  • Crazy Fun, still figuring out why

    Got this app for free, but I would still recommend paying for it. Simple and extremely fun, it has that addicting thrill of "Oh, I almost wiped out there," and the giant groans as you were doing so good and finally slipped up. Fun, well done animation contributes greatly to the experience. Buy it, and surprise yourself at how much fun there is when the only thing under your control is a well timed tap.
  • Good game but..

    I was kinda hoping you would be able to unlock a second costume or atleast there would be a different mode insted or perhaps a mode without items because I sometimes set of a rocket and all of the jumping points are narrow and the explosion kinda distracts me and I end up missing the jump
  • Great pick-up-and-play game

    This is a pretty well designed game for something so simple. I would only give 4 stars though, on account of a few notable flaws: there is some cool foreground art that slides by in front of all the art for the playing field which sometimes gets in the way or is distracting; because everything that comes your way is randomly generated, it can became incredibly tedious to time your jumps, even at the very start of your game; there can be 5- to 10-seconds-long periods of gameplay without an enemy in sight, so if you should happen to fall down, you won't in all likelihood get a chance to save yourself by doing a homing-kick or -slash. But overall it is still very fun and will only frustrate you every now and then.
  • Great addition to he series!

    This is definetly a good. I like how it's that kind of game where you just start off right away and go for the high score. You don't need to memorize controls and you don't have to worry about plot. I only have one problem though. If you haven't played chop chop ninja (which is a great game) you'll find yourself wondering wut you are doing. What ever. It's a great game, and you should definetly get. (also VERY ADDICTIVE)
  • Best Runner Game

    So you know how there's tons of runner games? Such games are jungle runner, canabalt, little runner, etc. But CHop Chop Runner will quickly dominate all of them.

    Chop Chop Runner is the second installment of the Chop Chop Series(One: Chop Chop Ninja, two: Chop Chop Tennis). Instead of just running and jumping trying to get your highest score, CHop Chop Runner will allow you to attack your enemies with ultimate ninja movement. THis super-natural feeling is what puts Chop Chop Runner on top.

    The positive things about this game is that it is everything I said up there . . . and Gamerizon crafted such a great app that revolves around single-touch controls. The bad thing is that it needs updates.

    So I got it when it was free, but it'll definately be worth your 2 bucks.

  • It doesn't get better than this

    I wasn't a believer, but the chop chop series rocks! Started w/ runner which was just brilliant. Who'd ever think you could make so many moves & combos out of just tapping?!? I love almost falling to my death only to come back from off screen w/ a super uppercut w/ just the write timing!
  • LURV IT (don't steal my word)

    DUDES (and dudettes) GET THIS GAME!!!

    Simple, easy to use controls.. VERY easy to use. Simple desing yet HIGHLY and I mean HIGHTLY addictive game. I got it while it was free ;) and only cause it was free (yeah, I'm a cheapo) But.. now listen here, having played it.. I would totally go back and buy it for a buck. I swear, this is the lousiest 99 cents you'll pay for such a great game. Yeah, yeah.. thank me later!
  • Well configured app!

    This is the first time I've taken the time to write a review for an app, and it's only because this app was surprisingly well done. Easy to play, challenging enough to keep playing, and entertaining enough to keep the app. Well done!
  • Choppidychopchop

    This game is really fun. It needs more than just taps though, there should be a shake or a sweep or a balancing thing. There should be more items to be picked up along the way and we should be able to design our own ninja! There should also be a boss at some level. Maybe this is too much for a lite version but it'd definitely give it more reason to play and buy the full version.

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