Cyanide & Happiness User Reviews

Cyanide & Happiness
Cyanide & Happiness
Explosm Limited Liability Company

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  • Old app was better

    The old app never had a problem updating itself when there’s new material. The new app requires a pull to refresh on the comics. The video lidt also never shows thumbnails - just a list of large black squares.

    Update - the fix didn’t work. I still have to pull to refresh.
  • Great source of (Explosm) entertainment

    Honestly, I do not regret downloading this one bit. It's great!

    My only complaint is that I wish there was a better way to scroll through comics in chronological order. Right now, if you close the app, it puts you back at the current date. I wish there was a way to save where I was scrolling at.

    Same with favorites. It would be nice if those were organized by how recent I saved them as opposed to date they came out. Or at least if there was a way to sort everything (say I could switch between date favorited and date created).

    Anyways. Great app. I've had lots of laughs and giggles so far, and can't wait to see near-daily comics.
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  • Comments comments comments

    A major part of my enjoyment on explosm is the comments on the comics seeing the community grow looking at the birth and death an returns of some of the most popular users the app doesn’t have that and I’d like to see it brought in and if it does I’ll change my rating.
  • Wonderful App

    New or Old fans can find their favorite content here date all the way back to January 2015! There is enough stuff here to keep you entertained for at least 5 minutes. Funny, Entertaining, Time killer, light reading, videos, comics and more!
  • Comics

    I finally have a source to read all the comics properly. Even if they don’t connect together in any way that’s not the point. The point is that Cyanide and Happiness were willing to give us this app for free to let us enjoy all the weird stuff they have made. Appreciate years of work being compiled for your brains fun nourishment
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  • Constant pop up annoying

    The comics are great and the app works nicely but the constant pop up telling me about the side bar to look at old comics is super annoying. No matter how many times “ok” or swipe it away. It opens up the next time I open the app. It’s been months but the pop up is still showing. Why won’t it go away!!
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  • Nothing new or improved

    I am a long time fan, have literally read and watched every single comic strip and video available on the old app. I also own and love playing joking hazard.

    This new app has nothing new or improved to offer.

    The only difference is that you can scroll down between comic strips like Instagram and between all the scrolling you get bombarded with advertising.

    It seems to me that the only reason this app exists over the old one is so that you can sell more ad space.

    Considering some of you videos have also recently been made up of more than a half to 3/4ths of the video for advertising is very disappointing.

    I understand your company needs to make money, but as artists who always went against the status quo, you’re starting to come off as sellouts looking for that extra buck at every corner.

    I like the old app and will not be downloading the new one any time soon. I like you guys, but you can stick your new app where the sun don’t shine

    Long time fan speaking with honesty,
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  • Can’t scroll between comics

    Hello. Long time C&H fan. Not a supporter of the new app. Unlike the previous app, when you tap into a comic you can’t scroll left/right (or up/down) to go to next. You have to back up, then manually find the next one. I understand this sounds lazy, but it is functionality lost from the old app. Makes it difficult to use for me.

    Additionally, where is the archive? The old calendar view to see all comics in the order they were released. This is a base level must have, abandoning the old app without that in place on the new is insane.

    Thank you for producing content. I appreciate it, I’m just disappointed in the rush job of the new app.
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  • Mostly good

    Overall works well. It would be nice to have an option to skip to a certain part of the comics and go from there since it restarts at the newest one each time you log on. Another problem is that the shorts section small say video restricted.
  • Ease of access

    Love the app. I had it for years before you all came out with the new one but you have to bring back a way to go back to prior years comics. In previous app you had a grid view so I could go back to say (December 2009) and look at all the comics that came out that month. If you guys could bring that back then this app would be perfect. Also my GF has shown me your tik tok clips and you guys should add those into the shorts folder for all your subs who may not be on tik tok. Overall though great app and I hope you all continue your great work (4/5 stars for no grid view of previous month/years comics) also maybe early access to shorts would be big plus but other than that I think y’all are awesome so I’m actually doing five stars after coming back to this review.
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