WebCC User Reviews

Sierra Studios LLC

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  • Thank you

    When I was younger i played this for hours with my dad.. Thank you so much for letting me bring the memories whever i go :)
  • Nice clone

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    After playing it a bit, two things would be nice:

    1) Save state on exit. Yeah, it keeps track of what level you're on, but that's at it. If you quit halfway thru a level, you're faced w/ starting it over.

    2) This one is less generally useful, only a handful of people would appreciate it, but an option to move the controls to the left side of the screen would be rad. I'm left-handed and I find the little bit of a stretch my thumb has to do just a tad uncomfortable.
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    Kinda surprised Microsoft doesn't have a trademark on this. I guess that's why you couldn't include the original levels or sound effects? Well, otherwise a faithful reproduction. Plays real nice.

    Hey, probably wouldn't be too challenging to include a level editor. I think folks would dig that.
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  • FINALLY!!!!

    Edit: after playing for a few days now, i only have one bone to pick. Make the arrowed controlls better. I often hit another arrow I dont want to and it throws off my groove...other than that it's still my top favorite app on my phone!


    Have I told you lately that I love you?

    I've been looking for something Chips Challange like since my grandpa got rid of the pc that had it!!!

    My friend and I would literally spend HOURS after school playing this game, each of us taking turns when we gave up or needed a break to think.

    THANK YOU!!!

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  • Great reproduction

    Finally somebody put this in the iPhone I have been waiting for ever (since the AppStore was introduced) a few suggestions...
    1. Full screen, of course don't keep the same size for the game objects make it all bigger so it's not cheating. If you have time a way to choose if you want full screen or not
    2. Swipe controls or like in the original you can click, or in this case tap on the square you want chip to move to.
    3.mabey a level editor of some sort, perhaps intergartted with the app or an online level editor

    Granted my requests would take alot of work but great apps take time. It's already a great app and I love it .
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  • OMG

    I haven't played this game in years!! I love it so much thank you for making this! Download it immediately!!
  • Great 11 levels

    Can't wait until you get more. Definately worth the money.
  • Great game!

    I remember playing this game a long time ago! It's challenging and a lot of fun! I appreciate the classic view too. I can't wait for more levels.
  • This is it! You've done it!

    I thought I lost it years ago, but now I've found it. Thank you.
  • Awesome!

    I find it crazy that this game just got released 5 days before the day i randomly decided to play it on my computer. After i played it on my computer i had to search to see if there was an app for and this came up! First of all i love that you kept the classic look for this game and didnt try to make it something its not and second of all i noticed you didnt use the original levels this is alright but if possible i would love to be able to play through all the original levels just like in the old days
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  • I remember this game but.....

    The only thing with this game is I can't get passed level 3! You just can't do it!i tried for hours and even had my friends try and nothing! I love this game don't get me wrong. it reminds me of way back in the day, chip challenge, on windows 95 or somthing! But I just can't get passed level 3 so I give it 2 stars! The game is really a five star game but that level killed it!
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