User Reviews: Valor™

Top reviews

  • A Shame

    1-2 years ago, I stumbled into Valor. It was a little confusing, and took a couple worlds to catch on. Then I couldn't put it down. The version previous to this Trial By Sword nonsense was simply amazing. TheKakao talk app owes its US existence solely to the Valor following that use it as a sidebyside for quick communication and teamwork. The friends you'll make all over the world makes this interactive war game by far the most enjoyable game of my adult life. But, it's become a money trap. In order to survive (let alone succeed), you must either catch on with a group of vets that can tutor and protect you, or start spending money. There are a few players that have a reputation for overspending and growing 100x faster than the field. There's no way to beat that. Before Playmesh sold out to Quark, the game had a few nuances/tricks that allowed for a player not spending gold to level the playing field. The new version does not have any way for a regular player to compete with a spender. What a shame. If you decide to take a leap and try, be sure to find some folks and start talking. It's amazing if you can catch on and keep up, but it was infinitely better about previous to the Trial By Sword era.
  • It's not the same.

    I played Valor constantly in world 59 a long time ago. I was obsessed. Then I lost my city to (everyone knows them if you've played Valor) those idiots who put in every cent they own into buying gold so they didn't have to wait for anything. Annoyed at the fact that I would never be able to do well in the game without spending tons of money on it, I deleted the app, although I still loved it so much. Now I'm coming back to it to see what's changed. I CAN'T EVEN GET ON IT. It keeps telling me to check my Internet connection, when my connection is just fine. I hate the new opening graphics (which is the only thing I've been able to see...) and from the screenshots I've seen, it's not the same. It seems like many of the reviews with 1 star (I wish you could rate less than that) have been from your players from a long time ago. You're getting 5 stars from the newbies who didn't know how great Valor was way back when. I remember when you (PlayMesh, if you're even the same company anymore...) would be constantly fixing bugs and updating things to be more efficient... Now what's this? It's a buggy app with an uncaring, money-loving maker. Quit.
    I for one am done with Valor for good. You've officially ticked me off. I don't even care if you read this or not. Good day.
  • Great long term multiplayer detailed free game

    This game takes a while to learn to play and there is a lot of waiting for buildings but this is detrimental only if you don't give the game a chance at all. If you are not looking for commitment to a game this is not the game for you. But if you like a medieval premise gigantic multiplayer real time strategy game for free this is the game for you. I've never played a game quite like it, it's so big that diplomacy is the key to victory which is beautiful because the essence of the strategy is subtle. People cry about not being able to get free gold to play but you really can get a fairly quick start without paying money if you play correctly and players are friendly and helpful out of their desire for competition. I played for free for quite some time before i broke down and bought 5 dollars worth of gold to get a building limit extension and had 4.50 credit left over before I spent some more to save eight hours of building a very late building before I left for work. I feel that the creators of this game and the people who make it available for free are worth spending this amount and I feel the opposite of the way I feel after buying a short sixty dollar console game.
    My thanks to the creators of this game
  • Avoid like plague

    Without announcement playmesh changed the rules of the game drastically. It appears this was done to force players into in game purchases. Now they put out a statement saying oops, my bad. Goes into effect jun 6th. LIES! Chaos doesn't have a limit, attacks severely limited, and support limits changed as well. Oh if you lost a city due their oopsy, they give you a small amoun of gold. Which isn't enough to buy the necessary resources to even make the scholars (5) needed to takeover a city much less the troops if it needs clearing. No compensation for how much the time you spent either growing a city or planning it's capture and defending it. Wasting a couple of weeks work due to their oopsy, means STAY AWAY FROM THIS APP AND ANYTHING made by PLAYMESH or as it might be better called playmess.

    Before today's server unannounced mods, I would have rated the app at least a three. But unannounced rules changes so troops have to be killed off and rebuilt into different, strategy changes on top of attacks that hit but generate no report, losing a city cuz purposely at least 5 attacks all without reports, I would currently rate it as 0 if I could.
  • Edit: We opening an ear, each.

    It seems the majority of problems were rectified in the recent updates. Though they should've never been there in the beginning, still late then never. Text works fine, in guild chat and message to message player. The cancelation of attacks also seem to be fixed, though I haven't fully tested it out yet, might've been a fluke. But still a couple of things could be added, such as: A TIMER OF HOW LONG YOU'VE BEEN PRESENT IN A WORLD. Or even a tine of when someone started in the world or a message saying when the trading restriction passes, if it ever does. Also it should be able to show other players, so we know if we can send resources or not. Oh also, don't know if you noticed this, but it seems you placed a box, not the keyboard, over the text box. It's in the bottom left corner, and it obstructs the left hand side of my messages. I believe that is all and I hope you are either currently working on these or take them into serious consideration, otherwise, keep up the good work! 
  • Valor

    Been playing for 5-6 months, very addictive, game stability issue seem to be fixed, the guild that you join is very importain, as the game progresses. I play in 6 different worlds, in 3 of them are great guilds, although in the 2nd world the guild did not start out good, until it merge into another, you are not locked into a guild so if the fit does not work, move on, also as the game progresses the level of interaction increases in your guild and with out side guilds. There is no need to pay extra money if you are patient and willing to use your memory / paper/ computer for note and calculations. This is not to say that I haven't bought any extras, I just don't think in general play they are nessasary. I do wish that there was faster load time, when switching between worlds and city's when you control a lot of city's, and it would be nice if the city's would update in the back ground, rather when you move to that city, have mised launch window for attack sometimes when cutting it close. Over all there is no way that I will stop playing, even thinking about buying a iPhone, so it won't matter where I am, I can check in.
  • Friendship

    For those who complained! This isn't f*n Farmville!! You cant just set your phone down, while some fairy is growing a carrot for you! Seriously! (...that depends on who you ask and you didnt hear it from me!)...but CMon!!...This game isnt even about building a city!! This game is more than you EVER know!! (ok...its a knock-off of 'EVONY', which is the CPU version of the game)...OK!? So what!?...(thats way beside the point :) The mobile version is way more portable (compared to a lappy)...and the game us just as much addictive!! (well...only when u finally find a friend!...One who depends on U!!) With all being said...join the other million of us playing...pick a spot and start making friends!!...(btw...i am now 'fluent' in four languages!...thanks to this game!)...just play, talk oh! and brush up on your math...
  • Not bad

    You still have some work to do like for example you should make an alert when a person is being attacked while they're away from the game so that they have ample time to gather reinforcements or defend with ALL their forces or have a chance to move all their troops out of harms way as well as move resources if needed to better protect valuable troops and resources, to make a crucial choice whether to defend it not defend as well. But overall the game is good but I think it can be better I also think that when a beginning player plays you should create a somewhat better immediate build package to help them get started and be able to get better acquainted I've noticed a lot of inactive players or unused spots people try your game and quickly tire of it try to also invent new troops and make new building types to build them because people will lose interest if it's the same repetitive battles, troops etc. try to emulate a game type such as kabam's dragons of Atlantis they're always upgrading and inventing new troop types. Hope this helps you improve or better the game.
  • Addicting, Epic, Teamwork

    I been playing Valor for over a year now and this game is not, play and beat, or level up and never be defeated, because you can play for years and still have your cities conquered that's where guilds and teamwork sets in, if you don't have a guild to protect you, consider yourself toast with the next door neighbor with a million level 3 zerk army and 100 cities. Try it, took me a week to get the hang of it Valor makes mafia. Pls stay calm, look like crap bc really you can never die in those games, this game takes skill and strategy to JUST SURVIVE. Try it yourself you won't regret it, and remember, give it a week to understand because when you just start out it is slow .. Takes couple months to get going. GOOD LUCK!

    ~ Your Valor Neighbor, Artie
  • Not for anyone who doesn't like a waiting grind.

    Once you log in the game gives you two free boosts that greatly help you get started. However after the week has finished and you loose the buffs you wind up wanting nothing more than to spend the money to get the buffs again. I would've if they were permanent, but I'm not shelling out money every week for it. You can lose troops attacking the city next to you when it is defenseless, maybe the 10 minute walk was too much for trained solider to handle. A decent amount of quests require you to be sociable and contact other people/guilds, something I never like being forced upon me. Certain notifications cannot be cleared, so you are stuck with them. What the game boils down two after a week or two
    Is logging in once a day to queue up two new buildings that take a day to build, queue up a bunch of troops to train, then log off. If you start a second city in a different world, you do not get the buffs again and are only re-grinding in a different world. If you stick with it long enough, you can train scholars to take over other cities. All this accomplishes is getting another city to log in once a day to grind. I suppose eventually the player who played the longest to gather the most troops and resources could conquer the world, but it seems pointless to do so.

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