User Reviews: Doodle Devil™ F2P

Top reviews

  • Keep it going!

    This game never seems big enough! It makes you think inside, outside, and around the box! The combos are awesome. The game is simple and easy to learn! All I can say is keep adding more!
  • Amazing and Addicting

    This game is great if you have some free time on your hands. It's also a fun game to play with friends just to see how many elements you and your friends can come up with. 5 stars, hands down.
  • Good game but

    Excellent mind puzzler. But please in the next update can you add a warning that if you accidentally click, "clear elements." It will pop asking if you're sure. Lost all my elements by an accidental click.
  • Just another review

    Okay, so I'm not much of a writer so here it is. The games fun I'll give it that, it one of those oddly addicting games that you keep turning you iPod on to play. But sad story is the there are two ways to make money wait somewhere around twenty hours or play that slot game, yea its gambling, but even when you gamble out of the starting 1000 or so coins one would be a winner, the first couple hours with this app I removed it and re-added it a few time just to try and rack up my coins about five times out of ten you don't get a single sin as a combination.
    Now here's a suggestion, I know there's 190 combinations, I think it'd be better if you add quite a few more, just thinking and searching for more is quite a thrill, and to the money, keep it, consider adding a mini game to get more coins. Something like, for every combination you make you get so many coins for each. It's alot better than the slot machine and frustrate six and seven year olds because that can't get coins but once a day.
  • It's pretty good

    I did find it annoying to have to keep buying pentagon powers and found it frustrating to lose money on the Devil slots.....but, it was pretty fun and cool with all of the stuff you could make. I like it better than doodle god just because of the things you can make.
  • Bad update

    I've had Doodle Devil from the start, and imho it just keeps getting worse. They keep putting in new ways for you to lose money so you'll have to pay them real money.

    The gameplay itself is fun at first, but eventually becomes just random guessing, and since everything costs in-game money, your guessing is limited each day. You can try your hand at the slots, but they've made it much harder to win with this last update.

    Overall, I wouldn't recommend Doodle Devil.
  • Really?

    I totes agree with all the other people. I mean seriously the devil slots are suposed to give you coins but they dont they only make you lose coins. STUPIED! And the pentagon thing when it runs out of energy the elements you create are usless. And i also dont like the hints that only give you rthe element. But I do like the part where they dont take away ten coins for making an element, because before all i would do when creating an element was lose coins. And I also like how you can buy stuff to help you.
  • Idea!

    I am a huge fan of the "doodle" series and I highly recommend that they make a doodle chef so that you can mix different foods and on the full version you can get the actual recipes after each new creation
  • I'll never buy another game from this developer again

    I paid for this game wthen it came out. They've made the version that I paid for a so-called "free to play" game, which requires you to purchase coins to continue playing. Then they post ANOTHER paid version to the app store that does not require you to pay to continue playing, which they call the "full version." Shouldn't my update be for the full version and not the "free" version or does the developer expect everyone who paid for this app once to pay again for the full version?

    Why buy a game from this developer when at any time they can, in essence, invalidate your inital purchase by crippling the app with a sneaky update?
  • What.

    I paid for this and now its been crippled and free, and what i expected when i paid is being sold again elsewhere!!! Being good at this game means you don't get to play it. How does that make ANY sense.
    RIDICULOUS GREED RUINED THIS GAME. I have FREE games that I download random free apps for (Tapfish) I don't need an app I PAID FOR telling me to do the same, nor do I want to mess with my phone's date settings to get coins. This game is just no longer good enough to be worth it.

    And now the game is free because they need to sucker in some new blood to raise their ratings, which just poops on all the customers who paid for it.


    I would have paid 2.99 for this app in it's first incarnation. Now I wouldn't even spit on it if YOU paid ME.

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