User Reviews: Let's Create! Pottery HD Lite

Top reviews

  • Great game but what do you do with extra money

    I love this game it is such a great way to relax and I normally don’t write reports but here are some pros and cons:
    Pros are the relaxing sounds and just great aesthetics. You also can make anything you want in this game and and designs and colors to it.
    One of the cons that I wish could be fixed up a little more is the emails. I loved the emails in the beginning, trying to match the picture but after the first few I got no more. Another big con is the money. What do you do with money after you buy everything? I just keep gaining more and more money and I have nothing to do with it.
    Overall this game is a great way to relax and still be creative. Some little bugs that could be fixed but that’s ok.
  • I like this game!

    It has some great qualities-but it’s sad you have to pay to get all the rest of the designs, there aren’t that many on the free version. You get to make great pottery, it’s super fun and relaxing, and you get to be really creative! I wish you could do something with the pottery you choose not to sell, I don’t know, put it in a gallery or something? Have a “room” with all the pottery on shelves? Be able to design that room maybe??😁 Or at least just be able to keep pics of pottery you make, but still be able to sell them! I also think it would be cool if you had the option for like a paintbrush where you could draw your own designs! That would be nice for the free version, as you could have a little more freedom. (Or there could be an update with some more things to buy with coins??😁Especially more natural looking colors??)Great game!

    I found this game when my friend showed it to me in the PE showers, and I immediately knew that I wanted to download it. It really makes the creative side of me come out in full force. Once I had spent a few days with the game I had become very good at it. The more I realized that I had a true passion for pottery, the more I wanted to buy the full version. I signed up for 3 ceramic classes at my school. and when though my councilor wouldn’t let me, I showed him this game and he was immediately hooked. He quit his job at my school and now lives in the hills as a pottery hermit. Well, I feel like this is only the beginning of a long journey in pottery. THANK YOU THE POTTERY APP!!! YOU BRING JOY TO MY LIFE!!!
  • Love this game

    I definitely love this game the first time I played it was Probably when I was like three I played it on my aunts phone and whenever she came over me and my cousins would always play the Pottery game on her phone and actually we still do and when I was playing a different game which I don’t really love I definitely love this game much better I saw an ad for this and it brought back memories because I haven’t played I had to play the game a while and I’ve had it maybe for a year now and I just love this game normally I would just come on my phone and play this game is very calming and if you are looking at the ratings to see if you should get this I definitely think you should get it so get the best game ever
  • Nice but not enough 🙃

    I got this app because I went to a pottery class and on the last day we were allowed to play it. Since I got the app I have thoroughly enjoyed the content. I considered buying premium after looking at the reviews, but the price was to high. I would happily buy it if it was three dollars. Unfortunately I don’t have all the money in the world so I can’t buy it! I love the game but I wish you would either lower the price of premium or add more content to the free version. I only have one item left to buy and it’s my second day. You should have at least a couple more items. Please and thank you.
  • Addicted

    I love this pottery app. I am a very creative person but I have never in my life created pottery in real life. This app affords me the ability to create something that I have wanted to do since I was a child. The colors are amazing, the brushes are beautiful. Oh and if you get the eraser you can make the brushes look different just by erasing a little bit of it. You can also erase a little color to get the effect your trying to get. This app is a real game changer. I am a business owner, and all that I can think of after a hard days work is what Im going to create when I get home. I love, love, love this app. Well done Dreams. Thank you for bringing me peace mind.
  • 3 star

    I love this game because you can create things no one has ever created. It’s super fun but I have somethings that make a bad time when I play it. 1st: It has a lot of brushes but not a lot of colors like I wish there was orange with the African brushes that would be super cool. 2nd: I wish without the full version there would be more requests for certain vases. And 3rd: Lastly I wish there were more things to buy this is my biggest concern it gets really boring when you finish buying EVERYTHING so your basically stacking up millions of dollars like I don’t really want to buy the full version so I want to enjoy my time playing the game it would be really nice if you guys could fix it thanks☺️
  • Great but needs updating

    I find this very fun and satisfying, and I have tried many pottery apps and like this one best. The only thing I don’t like is that most things cost money IRL. I’m not saying make it all free, but maybe add a few more free things that can be bought with coins. I have like 2000 coins and there’s nothing more to buy with them! Maybe add a few things that can be bought with coins... I personally would love an orange color, that way I didn’t have to mix red and yellow to get a perfect mix. I also would like a few new line designs. I don’t think it’s just me though. Updating and adding new things at least once every few months would be awesome! To those who are reading this and considering getting the app I think you should, but be warned. There are a lot of adds but I just turn off my WiFi and I don’t get many. To the creators of this app, please read this and take it into consideration... Thanks in advance for updating it! Have a great day/night! 🤗💜
  • It’s OK

    I love this game, I feel it’s very satisfying. There is only one thing that is REALLY annoying. I have to give Aunt Chloe some type of pottery, and It won’t let me but the back stripes on it. It’s very annoying because I want to be able to level up. I also love that there are no ads in this game because half the games I had I needed to delete because I was sick of an ad after every level. Another thing you can improve is the shop. There is a very limited amount of items. Also, in the shop, I absolutely LOVE the prices. In other games they would make it $50 for one paint. Those are the only things i dislike but the rest is awesome! I manly love this game to make pottery though because I don’t know how to make real pottery in real life.

    Good job!!
  • Good, but a lot of ads

    The app is super fun to use! Although their are bad parts. If your an add lover you would love this app, but for the other types of people you would think otherwise. The app is full of adds, after you cook your pottery their is an add, once you sell it their is an add. I love this game, but with all the ads it makes it hard to keep creating and creating.
    Their is a full version of this app, that unlocks new designs. Although, with this version you only get three categories. Wig is not enough to unlock the creative possibilities. It keeps showing adds for it full version, too. This game was so much fun to play, until the adds crept coming and you ran out of possibilities.