千萬不要購買! Do Not Purchase!
一般收費的app,我們都會摸認為已經去除廣告。 但這個app購買後會發現,每閱讀兩頁就會跳出廣告, 而且是視頻形式的廣告。 真的很影響閱讀體驗!做宗教類閱讀器將就傳道修 緣,切不可貪圖一時利益而不顧教眾感受。
Do not purchase!
For a $5 reader app, you would expect it to be 100% add free. That’s not the case for this one, it looks like the developers want to charge the consumers a fixed price and then charge the add sponsors too. The pop up adds are catastrophic in this app. Every two or three pages you read, you will be interrupted by a VIDEO add. Yes! Not those inanimate adds that you can click a cross button to close, but the video adds which there are no apparent ways to close. Through this $5 add machine, you can see a greedy shortsighted team behind all this.
NOTE: this app only supports Chinese, so don’t expect English translations
Do not purchase!
For a $5 reader app, you would expect it to be 100% add free. That’s not the case for this one, it looks like the developers want to charge the consumers a fixed price and then charge the add sponsors too. The pop up adds are catastrophic in this app. Every two or three pages you read, you will be interrupted by a VIDEO add. Yes! Not those inanimate adds that you can click a cross button to close, but the video adds which there are no apparent ways to close. Through this $5 add machine, you can see a greedy shortsighted team behind all this.
NOTE: this app only supports Chinese, so don’t expect English translations
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Good for body
If I could understand.....